#141 - The Rescue of Evelyn Chang by Gene Yu, Founder & CEO of Blackpanda

#141 - The Rescue of Evelyn Chang by Gene Yu, Founder & CEO of Blackpanda

On this episode of The Cybersecurity Defenders Podcast we speak with Gene Yu, Founder & CEO of Blackpanda.

Gene has a diverse background, with early roles at Palantir's Asia office and Credit Suisse on Wall Street. He also served as a team leader in the US Army Special Forces, completing four combat tours in Iraq and the Southern Philippines. Gene is an active angel investor, renowned for leading the successful rescue of Evelyn Chang from Abu Sayyaf terrorists in 2013. He graduated with top honors in computer science from West Point and has attended Johns Hopkins University and Stanford's Executive Program.

Gene’s book, about the incredible rescue of Evelyn Chang, can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/Second-Shot-Green-Berets-Mission/dp/1662510543