When we discuss cybersecurity and the threat of cyber attacks, many may conjure up the image of skillful hackers launching their attacks by way of undiscovered vulnerabilities or using cutting-edge technology. While this may be the case for some attacks, more often than not, vulnerabilities are revealed as a result of careless configuration and inattention to detail. Doors are left open and provide opportunities for attacks.
Financial services have developed at a breakneck pace, resulting in fierce competition among financial technologies. These services in the digital age must be characterized by three words: rapid, efficient, and intuitive. It is no longer necessary to wait in queues to speak with a bank teller. Consumers today want to manage their accounts using their smartphones, and banks want to earn their loyalty. What is the common ground? Using modern technologies to find new methods of doing things.
This is the age-old question faced by so many tech teams: do we build or buy a system we need? TL:DR, Buying can save your engineer time for building the core stack and for the fun experiments needed to determine when to shake up the core stack.
Back at KubeCon North America 2017, many speakers declared that 2018 would be “The Year of the Service Mesh”. Just a year later, in the 2019 CNCF Survey1, it was reported that 18% of surveyed organizations were using a service mesh in production, and by 20202 (the most recent survey published at the time of this writing) that number rose to 27%.
The coronavirus pandemic has forced a transformation in working practices and with it, the way MSPs manage customer cybersecurity. The possible return to the physical workplace and lingering economic uncertainties pose new challenges for tech leaders. These behavioral changes are measured in this Pulse report, which analyzes IT priorities and budgets in this area for Q2 of 2021. What do IT leaders expect the coming months to look like in terms of IT spending and priorities in their departments?
WatchGuard is excited to announce that once again, WatchGuard Cloud has been honored in the 2021 Cloud Computing Security Excellence Awards! This elite awards program recognizes companies that have most effectively leveraged cloud computing in their efforts to bring new, differentiated offerings to market.
At Torq, we use gRPC as our one and only synchronous communication protocol. Microservices communicate with each other using gRPC, our external API is exposed via gRPC and our frontend application (written using VueJS) uses the gRPC protocol to communicate with our backend services. One of the main strengths of gRPC is the community and the language support. Given some proto files, you can generate a server and a client for most programming languages.