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Introducing KeeperFill Browser Extension v16.4.0

Keeper’s latest update to our Browser Extension introduces a new, elegant user experience. This video will highlight the new features and improvements that include an improved workflow when creating new records and saving passwords, dark mode theme, and improvements to our “Stay Logged In” feature settings screen.

Keeper Commander - Using SSH Command

Keeper Commander can establish basic SSH connections through the command line interface on any device using the native SSH connection tool. Commander's ssh command provides instant SSH connections for any "SSH" Record Type in the vault. To create an “SSH” type record in your vault, create a new record and select “SSH key” as your record type. Paste your private key to the appropriate field in your record and populate the login and hostname fields.

Installing Glyptodon

In order to install Glyptodon, you must first obtain a free trial or paid license from the Glyptodon website at After you have created your Glyptodon account, visit the "Download" section to access your repository credentials. Next, you will need to create a Linux instance that supports Docker. In this example, we will be using Ubuntu. Before getting started, make sure that your Linux environment is fully up-to-date.

Protect Your iOS Keeper Vault with FIDO2 WebAuthn and Yubikey NFC

Keeper provides advanced vault protection using device verification, first-factor authentication through either Master Password or Single Sign-On, and second factor authentication through hardware based security keys like the YubiKey. Security keys provide the highest level of protection by requiring hardware authentication in addition to your password at login. The Keeper iOS app supports Yubikey FIDO2/WebAuthn security keys with a Lightning connector or NFC.

Create a Record

In this video, I will walk you through the creation of your first record. To begin, click the yellow Create New button and choose Record. You will notice a dropdown menu allows you to select the type of record you are creating. This allows users to create records of various template types, grouped into categories, each containing a unique collection of field types and functionality within the record. Examples of record types include: logins, payment cards, bank accounts, health insurance and many more. For more information on the Record Types feature, please see the video i’ve linked in the description below.

5 Critical Cybersecurity Strategies for Remote Work Environments

Accommodating the sudden and massive increase in remote work environments raises major cybersecurity and logistics challenges, for every sized business in every industry. Even organizations that have an existing remote work infrastructure will need to scale it and protect it more than ever - and quickly. In this webinar, Keeper CEO and Co-founder, Darren Guccione, will explain how organizations can maintain robust cybersecurity while the majority of the global workforce works from home or other remote locations.

How to Mitigate the Risk of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are rapidly increasing in frequency and cost. According to security experts, ransomware was a $20 billion industry in 2021, with an attack happening every 11 seconds according to Cybersecurity Ventures. Organizations victimized by these attacks can lose access to their networks and data, incur steep financial losses, and suffer significant reputation damage. Watch our on-demand webinar of world-renowned cybersecurity expert Dr. Eric Cole and Keeper CEO Darren Guccione for a forward-looking conversation around.