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Stop blaming employees for cybersecurity breaches

When companies drive a wedge between their workforce and their security culture, not only do they reduce best practices, but they also increase stress and jeopardise secure behaviours. We need to stop blaming employees for cybersecurity breaches and look at the real reasons that data is compromised. Furthermore, as long as there are humans at work, there will be human error at work. It is natural, and never 100% avoidable!

How Is IT/OT Convergence Transforming Smart Manufacturing?

For most modern businesses, there’s a divide between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT). The difference between these equally integral facets of digital manufacturing is a subject currently under debate. Ultimately, information technology deals with information and data. In contrast, operational technology handles the physical processes necessary to use that information.

The Importance of Passive Asset Discovery

Asset discovery is the ability to provide visibility of all devices located within an organization with limited or no human interaction. Most organizations often attempt to manually create a list of their assets in a shared document, such as a spreadsheet, or a small database, making changes whenever a new device is either added or removed. This process is deceptively manageable when organizations are relatively small and not that complex.

Complying with the Egypt Financial Cybersecurity Framework: What you Should Know

Which cybersecurity framework is the best one to use for an organization? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when embarking on the cybersecurity journey. Often, the answer falls quite unsatisfyingly along the explanatory lines about how there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and how there are advantages and disadvantages to each.

4 tips to achieve Data Compliance

Data compliance is a crucial and essential factor in organizations that should be carefully followed for data management. Data compliance is more than maintaining relevant standards and regulations and ensuring that the data is secured. The substantial amount of data that is processed and used in organizations must be managed properly. All phases of data access, usage, modification, and storage should be governed by correct policies, protocols, and standards.

The State of Security: Poland

Poland is getting ready for the upcoming Presidential elections in August 2023 amidst a turbulent geopolitical and economic environment. The war in Ukraine has placed the country in the epicenter of the events, becoming home to more than 3.5 million refugees. The unprecedented energy crisis with prices soaring every day threaten to destabilize local economy. Besides those two important factors, cyber threats are also shaping the future of Poland.

CISA orders federal agencies to catalog their networks, and scan for bugs

You always want to know what is attached to your network. And whether it could be vulnerable or not. In any organisation it’s normal for different devices, on- or off-prem, wired or wireless, to be constantly added or removed – and this can present an opportunity for malicious hackers to take advantage of improperly secured systems. In many cases, organizations have no idea about how many assets they have, let alone where they are all located.

What to Know about APIs, the "On-Ramps to the Digital World"

An application programming interface, or API, is a defined process that allows data to be shared between applications or programs. Each API consists of a set of rules that dictates how communication occurs between a client and a server or external program. The required request format, the authentication process, and the encryption of data all have set guidelines so that the API knows what information to share and when and how to share it.

See Yourself in Cyber: 4 Steps to Stay Safe

As threats to technology and private information become more frequent, the President of the United States and Congress have proclaimed October to be Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This initiative aims to assist people in protecting themselves online. Government and business are working together to increase cybersecurity awareness on a national and worldwide level under the direction of the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Foundational Activities for Secure Software Development

The Broadway Tower in Worcestershire, England is a famous structure. It’s inspiring, beautiful, and at 62 feet high, like other similar buildings, it’s a folly. While it looks grand inside and out, it serves no purpose than to be a decoration. It’s all too easy to buy a set of policies and procedures, change the company name and some other details, then present it as an application development and security program.