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Allowlisting and Blocklisting: What you need to know

The phone rings, displaying "Potential Spam," warning of the possible downfall of accepting the call. We also have the option to set specific ringtones for the special people in our lives, so we audibly know immediately who’s calling. For other callers, like the once-a-year important call from our insurance or investment rep, we'll at least add their names so we can see when they ring. And, of course, there are the numbers that we have blocked.

Despite Soaring Prices, Cybersecurity Insurance Keeps Growing Briskly

Most cybersecurity professionals know that cyber breaches increase each year. So it’s no surprise that the cybersecurity insurance business also keeps growing briskly. According to data from Markets and Markets and Polaris Market Research, the cyber insurance market swelled to $11.9 billion worldwide in 2022, up from $10.1 billion the previous year, and is projected to grow to more than $29 billion by 2027.

Explaining the PCI DSS Evolution & Transition Phase

The boon of online business and credit card transactions in the early 90s and 2000s resulted in an increasing trend of online payment fraud. Since then, securing business and online card transactions has been a growing concern for all business and payment card companies. The increasing cases of high-profile data breaches and losses from online fraud emphasized the need for urgent measures and a standardized approach to address the issue.

Root Cause Analysis for Deployment Failures

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a technique used to identify the underlying reasons for a problem, with the aim of trying to prevent it from recurring in the future. It is often used in change management processes to help identify the source of any issues that arise following any modifications to a system or process. RCA is something Tripwire Enterprise is often deeply tied into too.

Cloud security 101: Understanding and defending your cloud infrastructure

Many organizations have either been formed in, or have migrated to cloud-based environments due to the efficiency, flexibility, mobility, cost savings, and other benefits. The majority of applications that are used today are incorporated with the cloud. Most of our data and processes exist in the cloud. But simple as it is, just uploading your files to the cloud or using services of the cloud, doesn`t guarantee that it`s secure.

Spring is the Perfect Season for a Digital Declutter

Spring is here! Who’s up for some digital spring cleaning? Digital de-cluttering helps you organize your life and has the bonus of reducing your vulnerability to common threats. But knowing where to begin can be hard; most of us leave a larger digital footprint than we realize. I have created a checklist to help you clear away the clutter and reap the rewards of a clean digital slate.

The K-12 Report: A Cybersecurity Assessment of the 2021-2022 School Year

The K-12 Report breaks down the cyber risks faced by public schools across the country and is sponsored by the CIS (Center for Internet Security) and the MS-ISAC (Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center). Published “to prepare K-12 leaders with the information to make informed decisions around cyber risk”, the report provides a data-driven analysis of what went well, what could be better, and what exactly is threatening our K-12 schools.

FTC accuses payments firm of knowingly assisting tech support scammers

Multinational payment processing firm Nexway has been rapped across the knuckles by the US authorities, who claim that the firm knowingly processed fraudulent credit card payments on behalf of tech support scammers. A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint argues that Nexway and its subsidiaries broke the law by helping scammers cheat money from unsuspecting consumers.