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Computer System Security Requirements for IRS 1075: What You Need to Know

Any organization or agency that receives federal tax information (FTI) is now required to prove that their data protection policies meet IRS 1075 compliance standards. That means federal, state, county and local entities – as well as the contractors they employ – all fall within this scope.

What We Learned from the 2023 Pen Testing Report

Fortra’s Core Security recently released its 2023 Pen Testing Report, and there’s plenty to see. In this year’s report, IT decision-makers can learn what their peers are saying about why they pen test, how often they pen test, and whether or not they’re pen testing in-house, among other topics. Each year, Core Security collects and produces some of the industry’s most relevant data on the state of pen testing today.

Former contractor accused of remotely accessing town's water treatment facility

A federal grand jury has indicted a former employee of a contractor operating a California town's wastewater treatment facility, alleging that he remotely turned off critical systems and could have endangered public health and safety. 53-year-old Rambler Gallor of Tracy, California, held a full-time position at a Massachusetts company that was contracted by the town of Discovery Bay to operate its water treatment plant.

An introduction to the benefits and risks of Packet Sniffing

With the evolution of technology, network activities have increased excessively. Many day-to-day tasks are intertwined with the internet to function. On one level of the infamous OSI model, the data exchanged between devices is broken down into smaller units and transmitted in the network in the form of packets. These packets contain information that is useful for investigators and network administrators for analysis and troubleshooting purposes.

What to Expect When Seeking Cybersecurity Insurance

Cybersecurity liability insurance has progressed dramatically since the first bona fide policies emerged in the late 1990s. Some of the greatest changes that have occurred in recent years include insurance companies no longer insuring against state-sponsored attacks or ransomware events. The insurers do not want to become part of a cyber-war.

The Value of Vulnerability Management

There’s nothing that makes you feel older than realizing how much of your life you have dedicated to a single topic. At what point do you consider yourself an expert? After more than 17 years in vulnerability management, I’m starting to come around to the idea that I might be an expert in the field. Although, the main reason I feel that way is because, at this point, I’ve seen pretty much everything.

How the NIS2 Directive Will Impact You

Have you heard of the NIS Directive? The full name is quite a mouthful, "DIRECTIVE (EU) 2022/2555 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 14 December 2022 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union". The informal name has been shortened to the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive. The aim of the directive was to develop a common level of cybersecurity across the Member States that could be applied to entities of critical national importance.

The Thin Line Between User Behavioral Analytics and Privacy Violation

Technology has supercharged marketing. The vast data at marketers' disposal provides unparalleled insight into what customers want, why they want it, and how they use products and services. Behavioral analytics benefits businesses and consumers; it allows companies to drive sales and increase conversion rates while providing customers services tailored to their wants and needs.

The Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Cybersecurity - Part 2

It’s no secret that we’re (still) in an international cyber talent crisis, and that skilled workers are in high demand. We conducted research into the top ten highest paying jobs in cybersecurity to find out just what kind of opportunities awaited those who entered the field. Here are the types of jobs companies are willing to pay (the most) for and what they entail for those looking to upskill, reskill, or make the transition into a cyber-focused career.

12 Essential Tips for Keeping Your Email Safe

Hey, did you get that sketchy email? You know, the one from that malicious hacker always trying to fool us into clicking on some malware? Boy, these criminals are relentless. Wait, what? You clicked on it? Uh-oh... A hypothetical scenario, but one that plays out every day in organizations across the globe. The truth is that it is a very real scenario that offers a good opportunity to dive deeper into the topic of email security.