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Signs of Phishing: Protecting Yourself During the Holidays

I recently wrote about phishing around the holidays and while I was working on the piece, I noticed a couple of friends posting recent emails on Facebook. I thought it might be fun to dig a bit deeper into those emails and look at the telltale signs that indicate these are phishing attempts.

Is Your Company Suffering from Supplier Stockholm Syndrome?

That phrase came to me many years ago when working on a multi-million pound IT outsourcing deal. We were up to our necks in the finer points of platform-wide and stack-deep security, and I realised we were fighting amongst ourselves more than challenging the final competing vendors. This infighting was partly due to the large amount of IT staff in the room likely to transfer to the winning team and partly due to the view of security controls as a bolt-on extra.

60% of Canadians Fear Falling Victim to Fraud this Holiday Season, Scotiabank Survey Reveals

How likely is it to fall victim to fraud? As far as I’m aware, I personally have not purchased from a fraudulent site, but I have had my card details stolen in the past. Additionally, I remember years ago that while attempting to find a flat, I found a ‘rental company’ who turned out to be one person attempting to rent out flat 13 that due to superstition didn’t actually exist.

Top Cloud Security Resources: Certifications, Events and Social Media

Context setting: In my first article on cloud security, I talked about the journey to cloud migration. What are the things you need to consider when planning the big move? To realize the full value of this post, you must have already identified the motivations for migration and the locations of some resources you can use to enhance your security posture within yourself and/or your team.

Plights of the Round Table - A Tale of Weighing Risk

In an ornate boardroom, a group of executives gathered at a large round table for their annual strategic planning meeting. Morgan, the CEO, was surrounded by Lana, the VP of Sales; Susan, the CISO, Smith, the COO; and Barbara, Chief Compliance Officer. There was much to get done in the next twelve months, so they were passionately debating how best to invest their limited budget to achieve their goals and to address various sources of risk.

Looking to Drive down the Cost of Doing Business? Use Managed Services

Businesses are always looking for ways to control and reduce the cost of doing business as well as gain a competitive advantage over their respective competitors. The constant pressure of doing more with less has introduced many offerings designed to reduce the cost and complexity of the IT/OT infrastructures that support the business. Let’s take a look at some offerings that have been introduced to address these challenges.

Navigating ICS Security: The Threat Landscape

Whilst working for a management consultancy, I learned a lot more about industrial control systems (ICS) than I ever imagined I would. In many cases, this wasn’t from working on them directly; it was from simply speaking to the technicians and reading documentation. Oftentimes, we have the false belief that our systems are safe from compromise because no one really knows how they work. It’s like security through obscurity.

Companies That Request PII From Vendors Must Protect It

In my line of work, it is often a requirement to provide our customers with background information on the employees who will be performing on-site professional services. This is not in itself an issue, but how the customer receives and handles that information can be. Tripwire best practice is for HR to provide an attestation of all requested background checks to our clients rather than providing detailed background reports or having the client run a background check on our employees.

What Does Integrity Monitoring Have To Do With Security Anyway?

After spending several decades in this industry, I have seen growth in many different security products and in many different areas. All the while, I’ve questioned whether specific technologies were offering real value or were just over-marketed to create more revenue opportunities for investors. As we have seen repeatedly, categories of security products blossom in many different ways. So many vendors, so much technology. Where do we go from here?

Social Engineering the Silver Screen: Home Alone Edition

I have wanted to do a series like this for some time. I frequently watch movies and point out social engineering and OSINT techniques or inaccuracies as well as OPSEC blunders. These blunders, in addition to the matrix style waterfall screens, are equally bad as the “hacking” you see in movies.