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98% of Infosec Pros Say Multi-Cloud Environments Create Additional Security Challenges, Reveals Survey

Organizations have multiple reasons for embracing a multi-cloud strategy. First, it enables them to avoid “vendor lock-in” where they need to rely on a single vendor for all their cloud-based needs. Second, it empowers them to take advantage of the perks offered by several cloud service providers at once. Lastly, such a strategy helps to protect them against data loss and/or downtime, as an issue in one environment won’t necessarily spill over into another.

Lazarus gang targets engineers with job offers using poisoned emails

Security researchers at AT&T Alien Labs report that a notorious hacking group has been targeting engineers working in the defence industry. In recent months there have been a series of reports of malicious emails that use the disguise of a job offer to target defence contractors in the United States and Europe.

What is Asset Discovery? A Look Beneath the Surface

The corporate network can be a busy place with devices connecting, reconnecting and disconnecting every day. With the ever-growing landscape of today’s corporate networks, the difficulty of knowing and understanding what is on an enterprise network has highlighted the importance of effective asset discovery. So what does asset discovery involve? Asset discovery involves keeping a check on the active and inactive assets on a network.

Protecting Your Online Privacy: Three Levels of Security

Data leaks happen once every few months at least. Millions of users can have their phone number, address, and Social Security Number smeared across the internet in a matter of seconds. Your online browsing behavior is also sold legally by tech companies to the highest bidder. Ever seen an ad that is a little too specific? Most major tech companies rely on some form of data harvesting for revenue. As consumers, should we do anything? Can we do anything?

Bringing Governance, Risk, and Compliance to Life

I was recently asked to host a round table discussion on ‘Governance, Risk and Compliance‘ (GRC), and I have to admit I was more than a little excited. Why? Because the other people around the table were leading lights in the world of Cybersecurity, Risk and Resilience, and I was looking forward to exploring how a GRC framework can work across industries and learning some valuable lessons from those around our virtual table.

The Rundown on Google's Cloud Security Foundations Guide

Google recently released the new Cloud Security Foundations Guide. We’re going to take apart Google’s guide and show you what’s worth looking into. First, an introduction. “This comprehensive guide helps you build security into your Google Cloud deployments.” – Google What’s going on: Google Cloud Services are out there, being deployed in the wild, untamed. This guide is Google’s self-proclaimed “opinionated” view on keeping them safe.

The Aviation Industry Needs to Move Towards Cyber Resilience

2021 is a significant year for aviation. It marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the worst acts of unlawful interference in the history of aviation. It is also the Year of Security Culture for the ICAO community, which aims to enhance security awareness and foster a security culture throughout the industry.

Top 5 Scam Techniques: What You Need to Know

Scammers are increasingly resourceful when coming up with scam techniques. But they often rely on long-standing persuasion techniques for the scam to work. So, you may hear about a new scam that uses a novel narrative, but there is a good chance that the scam relies on proven scam techniques once the narrative is stripped away. These scam techniques often exploit our characteristics and heuristics, or things that make us human and fallible.

How Dockershim's Forthcoming Deprecation Affects Your Kubernetes

Container orchestration platform Kubernetes announced in December 2020 that its third and final release, Kubernetes v1.20, would deprecate dockershim and subsequently Docker as a container runtime. This deprecation has brought multiple changes that admins must be aware of and accordingly respond to.

Save the Embarrassment: The Value of Two-Factor Authentication on Social Media

These days, it’s not a matter if your password will be breached but when. Major websites experience massive data breaches at an alarming rate. Have I Been Pwned currently has records from 543 sites comprising 11.4 billion accounts. This includes well-known names like Wattpad, MySpace, and Facebook. This is an 84% increase in the number of sites and a 115% increase in the number of accounts from when I published the first version of this article in 2018.