Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

What Is MAS TRM?

All financial institutions operating in Singapore are required to comply with the MAS TRM guidelines in order to operate legally. In order to ensure the safety of their operations, customers, as well as the wider financial system, financial institutions are required to conduct regular risk assessments and implement appropriate risk management measures.

What Is CCPA Compliance?

Today, privacy is an issue that has become more relevant than ever to individuals and businesses alike. As a result, many users are taking steps to protect their data. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a law that was enacted in order to provide greater protection and control over the personal information of California residents.

Interview with CEO, Matt Polak

For the next interview in our series speaking to technical leaders from around the world, we’ve welcomed Matt Polak, CEO and Founder at Picnic Corporation. Matt Polak is a subject matter expert in intelligence collection, having spent his career applying these skills to intractable growth and competitive strategy challenges for Fortune 500 customers.

Preventing cybercrime in the UAE With NESA Compliance

Organizations in the UAE have been able to deliver innovative services and stimulate economic development through the increasing adoption of Information Technology (IT), electronic communications, and cyberspace, which is a global network of interconnected telecommunications networks, information technology infrastructures, and computer processing systems. As these technologies develop, the UAE's dependence on them will increase.

Guide To NERC CIP Cybersecurity Standards

In the event that there was a malicious actor who wanted to disable a country or state's power supply, the utility sector would be one of the first targets of this attack as seen in the Moore County power outage and the recent attacks on Portland’s infrastructure. Whenever stakes are this critical, it is essential that security is prioritized throughout the systems and processes involved in such matters.

Compliance for SMEs: What you need to know

For ensuring compliance in your business practises, it is worth noting that it is just as common (if not more common) for bad actors to target small businesses and small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A website can easily get hacked, an email account can be compromised, and sensitive information may even be stolen by employees. These are just a few common examples of how data can be breached.

What Are CIS Benchmarks (Guide For 2023)

There are numerous CIS benchmarks which provide system administrators and other IT technicians with configuration baselines and best practices across the various levels of different CIS criteria to allow them to secure the configuration of any systems and devices they use within an organisation. Here we will provide you with a detailed overview of what CIS benchmarks and controls should mean to you, along with useful references for further reading where needed, as part of this guide.

Interview With Founder Jacob Hess

For the next interview in our series speaking to technical leaders from around the world, we’ve welcomed Jacob Hess, Founder at NGT Academy. Jacob Hess is the co-founder of NGT Academy, an immersive, military-grade cybersecurity and IT professional training platform founded by former military technicians from the US Air Force that has equipped thousands of military engineers with top security clearances.

The Top 5 CCPA Software Solutions

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a law that allows California consumers to ask companies to provide them with all the information they have stored about them as well as a full list of any third parties that the company has shared that data with. In addition, the California law gives consumers the right to sue companies if the privacy guidelines are violated, even if there have been no actual breaches of privacy.