Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

A Short Guide to Security Monitoring

As organization's IT infrastructures continue to grow in size and complexity, this raises the challenge of guaranteeing security across your resources, systems, and networks. The importance of this is further increased due to data being a valuable commodity in today's world. The loss of data due to a security breach could send seismic repercussions through your entire organization and potentially lead to its demise.

What is Vulnerability Assessment?

Each day there are more and more cyber attacks and threats occurring, with those looking to exploit your IT systems finding various different methods to infiltrate your IT infrastructure. This means it's more vital than ever that you limit the vulnerabilities of your IT infrastructure and guarantee its security. In regards to this, a viable solution available to you is vulnerability assessment.

What is Data Governance?

As the importance of data continues to grow, and the amount of data being processed by organizations grows further, many organizations are beginning to feel the constraints and demands of compliance. Therefore this makes data governance paramount to guarantee the security, accuracy, availability, and usability of your data. Data governance encapsulates the approach to managing data during its lifecycle, from acquisition, to use, to disposal.


The National Industrial Security Program (NISP), the authority within the United States for access to classified data by government contractors. Have outlined requirements to ensure continued availability and integrity of classified data, and prevent its unauthorised disclosure. The operating manual (NISPOM) affects all government agencies and commercial contractors who have access to classified data.

CMMC Requirements For Small Businesses

There are five levels that make up the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) framework. These levels range from Level 1 (Basic Cyber Hygiene) to Level 5 (Advanced/Progressive). With each level of cybersecurity certification, the requirements of the previous level are built upon and new controls and practices are introduced.