Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The Next Big Challenge: Cloud Complexity

Cybersecurity remains an ever-growing concern in our digitized, post-pandemic world. While rapid digitization opens doors to ample benefits and business opportunities, companies also have to deal with an uptick in cybercrimes, as criminals and other threat actors raise their game, making cyber attacks more frequent and complex than ever before. Consequently, businesses have suffered serious losses resulting from ransomware attacks, data breaches, and theft of trade secrets.

Hunting for Detections in Attack Data with Machine Learning

As a (fairly) new member of Splunk’s Threat Research team (STRT), I found a unique opportunity to train machine learning models in a more impactful way. I focus on the application of natural language processing and deep learning to build security analytics. I am surrounded by fellow data scientists, blue teamers, reverse engineers, and former SOC analysts with a shared passion and vision to push the state of the art in cyber defense.

Splunk SOAR Feature Video: Playbooks

Splunk SOAR playbooks automate security and IT actions at machine speed. Playbooks execute a sequence of actions across your tools in seconds, vs hours or more if you perform them manually. Splunk SOAR comes with 100 pre-made playbooks out of the box, so you can start automating security tasks right away. Splunk SOAR’s visual playbook editor makes it easier than ever to create, edit, implement and scale automated playbooks to help your business eliminate security analyst grunt work. *Users can build and edit playbooks in the original horizontal visual playbook editor, or the vertical visual playbook editor introduced in August 2021.

Splunk SOAR: Anyone Can Automate

If you haven’t heard the news, Splunk Phantom is now Splunk SOAR – available both on-prem and in the cloud. What does this mean to you? You can deploy SOAR in the way that best supports your business needs. No matter what deployment you choose, you can automate from anywhere, and truly “SOAR your own way!” Hot on the heels of our cloud release is another exciting announcement: Splunk SOAR’s new Visual Playbook Editor.

Splunk Mobile - Backend Summary (in 60s)

Get to know the Secure Gateway Splunk app, which allows you to deploy and manage your fleet of mobile devices at scale. Plus, take a peek behind the scenes to learn how Splunk Secure Gateway facilitates communication between mobile devices and Splunk platform instances using an end-to-end encrypted cloud service called Spacebridge. Finally, get the latest on Spacebridge compliance and data privacy, since Spacebridge has now been certified to meet SOC2, Type 2 and ISO 27001 standards and is HIPAA and PCI-DSS compliant.

Threat Advisory: Telegram Crypto Botnet STRT-TA01

The Splunk Threat Research Team (STRT) has detected the resurface of a Crypto Botnet using Telegram, a widely used messaging application that can create bots and execute code remotely. The STRT has identified attacking sources from China and Iranian IP addresses specifically targeting AWS IP address space. The malicious actors behind this botnet specifically target Windows server operating systems with Remote Desktop Protocol.

A Zero Trust Security Approach for Government: Increasing Security but also Improving IT Decision Making

Public sector organisations are in the middle of a massive digital transformation. Technology advances like cloud, mobile, microservices and more are transforming the public sector to help them deliver services as efficiently as commercial businesses, meet growing mission-critical demands, and keep up with market expectations and be more agile.