Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Fix cloud security issues faster and at the source with Snyk Cloud

In July 2022, we announced Snyk Cloud, extending the Snyk developer security platform to secure application and infrastructure configurations in running cloud environments. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce a new feature of Snyk Cloud that enables you to "fix cloud issues in IaC" (infrastructure as code), making Snyk Cloud the first solution to secure the cloud through code with remediation paths in IaC.

SnykLaunch recap: Custom Base Image Recommendations

One of the exciting new features discussed at SnykLaunch today was Custom Base Image Recommendations (CBIR). In open beta since late 2022, CBIR is already being used by several organizations. We've been expanding the feature set as we approach general availability to include more flexibility and to incorporate hands-off automation capabilities, allowing users to leverage CBIR in their CI/CD pipelines.

SnykLaunch April '23: C/C++ expansion, cloud and IaC updates, custom container security, new integrations, and more

This month, we hosted our most recent SnykLaunch to announce the latest and greatest in Snyk solutions. As with all of our releases, we continue to focus on adapting security to what we see in modern-day development practices. Compared to only a few years ago, more independent development teams are working faster, along with a far more complex software supply chain, including cloud as part of the code. Because development practices look so different today, security teams often struggle to keep up.

Snyk brings developer-first AppSec approach to C/C++

Snyk is known for its developer-first application security solutions for many ecosystems like Java, JavaScript, Python, and more. Snyk enables developers to not only find issues but quickly apply fixes, revolutionizing security and supporting its integration at the earliest stages of the SDLC. In 2022, we released the first round of support for C/C++ open source packages, and today we’re excited to announce the Open Beta of C/C++ for Snyk Code and licenses for Snyk Open Source.

Snyk achieves Red Hat Vulnerability Scanner Certification

We are thrilled to announce that Snyk has achieved Red Hat Vulnerability Scanner Certification, making it one of the few security platforms to receive this certification from Red Hat. This achievement demonstrates Snyk’s ongoing commitment to providing our customers with the highest level of security assurance for their applications.

Recap: Stress-Free Security for Devs and Ops on AWS

Snyk recently hosted a half-day virtual event focused on security for application workloads running on AWS (you can catch it on demand here). The event was broken into six sessions spanning topics like developer challenges in cloud-native AppDev, top vulnerabilities from last year, hands-on workshops with industry-leading technology vendors, and several other subjects that help enable engineering and security teams to build a successful DevSecOps workflow.

The Snyk Perpetual Key Rotation Machine

At Snyk, we think of developers as citizens of a special community. In that community, your collection of apps is your neighborhood — and your code is your home base; your house. How do you secure a house? With a lock! And how do you make sure no one else can unlock that lock? You keep the key! That’s security ideation at its finest: keys. Just ask Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer.

Data leak in the Netherlands: What developers should learn from this

Currently, there are a series of data leaks going on in the Netherlands. Blauw, a prominent market research firm in the Netherlands, reported a data leak earlier this week. Blauw offers qualitative market research for companies and events, and works with many big Dutch brands. The current leak of customer data has already resulted in personal data exposure for a substantial number of Dutch consumers.

AWS in 30 recap

Last month, Lead Partner Solutions Architect, David Schott, presented a demo on how Snyk works alongside Amazon Web Services (AWS) to identify vulnerabilities at every level of development and infrastructure. David covered why agile development in the cloud requires a different security approach than simply using the IT security methods of the past. Then, he showed a real-time example of how Snyk’s AWS cloud security tools can find and mitigate common vulnerabilities.