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3rd Party Security an Achilles Heel

It is common and intuitive to think that a security manager is responsible for the protection of their own team and organization. Spending the company’s resources on the security of another organization may sound unreasonable. However, recent events in the retail industry teach us otherwise. Today more than ever, as 3rd-party risk is gaining speed, executives are exposed to threats from unexpected directions and involving new weak points.

Facade of Security

In the past few months, Cyberint has observed a series of suspicious PDF files mentioning different retail brands, scanned to an anti-virus repository. Seeing as the files were flagged as malicious by the repository, Cyberint’s working assumption is that the retailers were mentioned in order to lure their employees or customers into opening the files.

ValidCC Shuttered - Another one bites the dust

On January 28, 2021 the dark web community was informed that “ValidCC”, one of the leading marketplaces for compromised payment card details, was unexpectedly closing its services for good. This happened less than a month after “Joker’s Stash”, another popular dark web payment card marketplace, announced its retirement.

Turla - high sophistication Russian-nexus threat group

Believed active since 2004, if not much earlier, Turla is a high sophistication Russian-nexus threat group with espionage and intelligence gathering motivations targeting organizations worldwide. We have wrote about them in the past here. Known by many security vendor assigned names over the years including Turla Team, Uroburos and Venomous Bear, this bulletin provides an overview of Turla-attributed threats as observed over the past six months.

On Sale! Access to your Crown Jewels

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a communication protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network connection[1]. Once connected, the remote user will be able to communicate with the machine using their input devices, keyboard and mouse, and to have their screen displaying the output of their actions – as if they were physically connected. Simply put, gaining access to your crown jewels.


In the aftermath of the notorious SolarWinds breach, occurring in mid-December 2020, a nefarious website was observed on 12 January 2021 and, presumably linked to the threat actors involved in the original supply chain attacks, purports to offer stolen data from four victim companies for sale: Other than the above, no file listings, screenshots or detailed 'proof' have been provided although links to four encrypted archive files, one for each potential victim organization, were uploaded to the popular