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5 Ways CISOs Can Prepare for SEC Cybersecurity Compliance

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently announced a ruling aimed at enhancing public companies’ cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance and incident disclosure. To sum it up, companies must report cyberattacks within four days of determining an incident is “material” and divulge details about their cybersecurity programs annually.

The Case for Single-Tenant SaaS for IGA

More and more organizations are moving towards a cloud-first strategy where they look to move their on-premises applications to SaaS offerings. This is especially true for customers looking to streamline their on-premises Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) application via a move to the Cloud.

3 Types of Privileged Accounts to Secure in a Transforming Enterprise

For security teams managing their enterprises’ privileged access management (PAM) programs, times have changed and what’s considered a privileged or high-risk account has drastically shifted. In turn, the way organizations not only manage privilege, but comprehensively secure it, must also shift. Historically, organizations have managed their PAM programs by vaulting and rotating credentials on privileged accounts.

EP 34 - How to Catch a Malicious Insider w/ Eric O'Neill

Today’s episode of Trust Issues focuses on spycatching! Eric O’Neill, a former FBI counterintelligence operative and current national security strategist, joins host David Puner to discuss his legendary undercover mission to capture Robert Hanssen, one of the most notorious and damaging spies in U.S. history.