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5 Advantages of Deploying a Data Governance Solution

The explosion of unstructured content is undeniable, and this growth is being fueled by businesses. The files that keep the wheels of business turning — documents, spreadsheets, images, PDFs — double in volume every 1-2 years. As unstructured content becomes more integral to business gets done, its value grows too. As it goes with anything of value, it becomes highly coveted, even to the point that others try to steal it. So what is a business to do?

5G is Coming - Are You Ready?

The world enabled by 5G is on the horizon. AT&T and Verizon have already started rolling out their 5G networks, using a combination of new and existing technologies, such as WiFi, LTE, etc. These 5G networks promise speeds north of 10Gbps, which means they are capable of delivering an online experience that is at least 1000 times faster than what we are used to today, with 4G.

3 Reasons Businesses Prefer G Suite for Collaboration

Collaboration is the lifeblood of business. It is how we facilitate information flow between individuals and teams, it has a direct impact on productivity, and at the end of the day, it dictates the success of businesses as a whole. In the modern day business environment we have all become hyper-focused on speed, i.e. how do we get our work done as quickly as possible?