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Proof of Concept: CVE-2017-9791 Apache Struts OGNL Expression Injection

Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) is an expression language for handling Java objects. When an OGNL expression injection vulnerability is present, it is possible for the attacker to inject OGNL expressions. Many critical Apache Struts CVEs are the result of GNL expression injection. Watch our short attack demo video where we explain Apache Struts OGNL expression injection and how it works.

Apache Struts Vulnerabilities

Apache Struts is a well-known development framework for Java-based web applications that is mostly used in enterprise environments. If you search for Apache Struts CVEs on MITRE, you currently get 77 results, and most of the critical ones are due to OGNL expression injection, which is very similar to SSTI (Server Side Template Injection) attacks. In this article we will go through the security history of Apache Struts, common Apache Struts security issues and the impact of these vulnerabilities.

When Is a Data Breach a Data Breach?

A data breach remains a common headline in the news cycle. A different company, website or social network reports a security issue almost daily. If it feels like using the internet has become a risky endeavor, the feeling is accurate. But what exactly classifies an event as a data breach? The world wide web is littered with different security gaps and vulnerabilities. But that doesn’t mean they have been exposed or attacked yet.

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