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Rise of the Secure Developer from Atlassian Team '22: Tomás González - Partner Solution Architect

This talk by Tomas Gonzalez, partner solutions architect at Snyk, talks about the rise of the security-conscious developer - someone who champions the use of new cloud technologies with a security mindset. This doesn’t mean developers are solely responsible for security risk management in isolation; secure developers are aware of risk management processes, are armed with the right technology to enforce them, and apply a shared-responsibility mentality to enable an agile, thriving secure business.

How Malicious NPM Packages Make Your Apps Vulnerable

Zbyszek Tenerowicz (a.k.a. ZB) teaches us how we can be susceptible to malicious packages as developers. We also see demos on the possibilities of what a malicious package can do such as modify code, package.json publish scripts and more. You're sure to learn something new in this session and level up your Developer security skills. This was a recorded livestream titled "My NPM Package Will Eat Your Lunch".

User Office Hours: Building secure application in VS Code with Snyk

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. The Snyk integration for VS Code can help you create secure applications from the beginning. Join us to learn more about Snyk VS Code capabilities. During this session, we’ll take a look at: Throughout the session you can ask us anything! Bring all of your Snyk questions and we’ll do our very best to answer them.