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Starting With Snyk: an overview of the CLI onboarding flow

When starting with Snyk, users can import projects via Git repository or utilize CLI to run test their application code locally or via CI/CD. In this video, we will discuss the onboarding flows meant to help new users utilize the CLI to run their first source code (SAST), open source (SCA), container and infrastructure as code (IaC) tests and start fixing issues. Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for npm, Maven, NuGet, RubyGems, PyPI and more.

Snyk Hierarchy Best Practices - More than Groups and Orgs

What can startups and large enterprises have in common? Different organizational structures that cause friction when bringing in and rolling out a new tool. If you are familiar with Snyk, you’ll know that Groups can hold many organizations, and Organizations contain Projects. But that does not stop there… Each node in the organizational layer has different reporting, access control as well as security and license policy settings.

Out of This World Cybersecurity

From cybersecurity Executive Orders, to Emergency Directives, to establishing a presence on the moon, cybersecurity at NASA encompasses a wide variety of both Information and Operational Technology assets, some of which are literally out of this world. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges and best practices in securing critical assets in highly dynamic and complex environments.

Dev First Prevention Strategies Using the CI/CD

Watch this office hours where we cover best practices for introducing a blocking/prevention strategy using the CI/CD Integration. Security and engineering teams often fail to find a balance between meeting the necessary security objectives for their organization and ensuring maximum velocity. While security teams view the process of blocking new critical severity vulnerabilities as a basic security best practice, engineering teams often push back out of fear that it will create too much friction for their developers.