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Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA): Compliance from a Software Security POV

Regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in ensuring the resilience and security of organizations. One such regulation that has garnered significant attention is the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Here are the key aspects of DORA, as well as guidance for how to ensure compliance with it while measurably reducing risk to your business.

Wallarm's Crusade Against Rising Credential Stuffing Threats

Credential Stuffing, a vital yet often overlooked aspect of cybersecurity, needs to be addressed with urgency. An alarmingly large segment of the population engages in the risky habit of using the same password for various accounts. This behavior parallels the risk of using a universal key for various locks in your life, such as those for your home, car, or even hotel rooms during vacations.

Leveraging Recommended Metrics for Calico to optimize and secure Kubernetes application operations

In the ever-evolving landscape of Kubernetes networking and security, Calico has proven to be a battle-hardened, scalable and robust solution. Core to Calico’s architecture are two components, Felix and Typha. And given their importance for running Kubernetes deployment, it is no surprise that monitoring these components is crucial to secure and maintain them for optimal cluster operation.

Architecture Drift: What It Is and How It Leads to Breaches

Cybercriminals work around the clock to discover new tactics to breach systems. Each time a digital ecosystem changes, it can introduce a weakness for a threat actor to quickly discover and exploit. As technological innovation progresses rapidly, and organizations expand their infrastructure, this weakness may take shape in the form of architecture drift. Today, we explore the concept of architecture drift: what it is, why it matters and how application security posture management (ASPM) can help.

Vendor Email Compromise Attacks Against Financial Services Surge 137% Last Year

Analysis of 2023 attacks shows how the financial services industry had a very bad year, with increases in both vendor email compromise (VEC) and business email compromise (BEC) attacks, targeting millions of dollars using very specific methods. There’s no industry that has more money than the one dealing in it. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that attacks on the financial services industry continue at an increasing rate.

10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2024: Prediction and Detection

By the end of 2025, the cost of cyber attacks on the global economy is predicted to reach $10.5 trillion. This data shows that organizations across industries must be prepared against new threats, with a focus on ensuring resilience and security. Navigating this challenging landscape requires organizations to stay up to date on upcoming security challenges.

Signs Your Streaming Accounts Have Been Hacked

As more people have shifted to using streaming services for shows, movies and music, keeping those accounts secure has become crucial to prevent them from being hacked. Some signs that point to your streaming account being hacked include being unable to log in to your account, unusual login attempt notifications and an upgraded account you didn’t authorize. Continue reading to learn five signs that point to your streaming account being hacked and what you should do if it is.

Introduction to Information Governance

Organizations are experiencing explosive growth in the volume and variety of data they collect, store and process. Unfortunately, many of them do not understand what types of data they are handling — and what value that data has — so they cannot maintain proper control over it. As a result, they often suffer serious legal, financial and reputational consequences. Proper information governance can help you avoid the same fate.

Blocking Compromised Tokens with Wallarm

In our Annual API ThreatStats report, we highlighted the increasing threat of API Leaks. An API Leak is the disclosure of sensitive API information, such as a token, credential, or private schema. These leaks can occur directly via the API itself, but also via third party tools used to manage source code, such as Github or Postman. API Leaks came in at number 4 in our dynamic top 10 list of API Security issues.