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Introducing Orchestrated Disaster Recovery for VMware Applications and Data

Unplanned downtime and data loss caused by natural disasters and modern cyber threats represent some of the most challenging events facing organizations today. Maintaining capabilities to reduce or eliminate impact in these scenarios is critical to any business continuity plan. Organizational resilience depends upon being able to protect and ensure the recoverability of data and services wherever and whenever disaster strikes.

How To Protect Rubrik CDM with Microsoft Authenticator

Rubrik’s Cloud Data Management (CDM) code features the ability to protect all of your Rubrik login accounts with two-step verification by using the industry-standard time-based one-time-password (OTP) codes. The Microsoft Authenticator app has extended its functionality, recently adding Microsoft account-based autofill capabilities across platforms. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set it up on Rubrik CDM.

What is inherent risk? Your sensitive data could be In danger

Inherent risks are the cyber risks and vulnerabilities within an organization before security measures are implemented. In contrast, residual risk is calculated after cybersecurity protections have been put in place to protect against all of these inherent risks; its calculation includes every possible attack vector that could affect a system or data.

GitHub DLP Remediation Guide

GitHub is a code versioning tool, which means that it preserves a full history of searchable code changes. Sensitive data can proliferate in these code changes and is not always easily discoverable. Credentials & secrets that are hard-coded in GitHub repositories pose risk if repos are leaked or accessed via social engineering attacks, as they can provide access to infrastructure, databases, and third-party APIs. Likewise, sensitive data like customer PII can end up in code repos.

Now available: Nightfall DLP safeguards sensitive data in Confluence

The Atlassian suite makes remote collaboration easy and efficient for distributed teams. Confluence, one of Atlassian’s best known and widely used apps, is a flexible and customizable wiki solution that can host almost anything for a company. From software documentation and process docs to hosting meeting notes and project plans, the possibilities for what your team can do in Confluence are endless.

6 Steps To Improve Your Data Security and Data Compliance

Data privacy has been a hot topic in the tech world for years now. With every new technology come new regulations that require companies to completely re-examine the way they handle private data. Most companies already have a basic data privacy policy they constructed alongside lawyers and tech experts to avoid facing serious fines and penalties. However, compliance isn’t just about focusing on current regulations and meeting the bare minimum requirement to avoid legal consequences.

How to manage data subject access requests (DSARs)

In a nutshell, a data subject access request – or DSAR for short – is when someone asks a organisation for a copy of all personal data they hold about them, and then that organisation provides it in a clear and structured way. In addition to the data itself, DSARs allow a data subject (like you or me) to find out things like what the organisation is doing with the data, who they’re sharing it with, how long its held on to for, where they got it from, and so on.

How to Future Proof Your System Against a Zero Day Exploit

Earlier this year, Kaspersky researchers discovered a zero day exploit hidden in Desktop Windows Manager. The exploit, designated as CVE-2021-28310, is known as an escalation of privilege (EoP) exploit, which allows attackers to gain access or a higher-level user permission to systems and platforms than an administrator would permit. Though patches have since been released, it’s not yet known how extensive the damage from this zero day exploit is yet.