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The OPA AWS CloudFormation Hook

With a history spanning more than a decade, AWS CloudFormation has been the tool of choice for many organizations moving their cloud deployments from “point and click” configuration and towards managing infrastructure as code (IaC). As a mature technology, CloudFormation has spawned an ecosystem of tools, documentation and examples around the stack — whatever one is trying to accomplish in this space, chances are good they’ll find relevant resources on the topic.

Protect your AWS workloads using Elastic Security

It’s no secret that cloud service providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure give teams incredible power and flexibility when it comes to delivering great solutions and user experiences to a global customer base. Leveraging the power of one or more clouds is often seen as a critical competency for an organization to succeed.

Netskope Authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority

As a cybersecurity organization, Netskope has a responsibility to be transparent about security issues reported in Netskope products and services which might have an impact on Netskope customers or partners. To fulfill this responsibility, Netskope has a smooth, transparent, and industry-standard process under our Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) to disclose the security issues publicly which are reported in Netskope products from various sources.

Why Security Strategies Should Matter to the CIO

In the face of this constant disruption, CIOs are supporting the addition, amendment, or strengthening of logistics workflows, supply chains, commercial and service delivery models, partnerships, and geographic footprints. In all of these programmes, CIOs often see cybersecurity as a hurdle—one more challenge to navigate in the path to a successful business outcome.

Attention CISOs: the Board Doesn't Care About Buzzwords

We live in an IT world surrounded by buzzwords that are largely marketing gimmicks. Zero Trust, for example, is a concept no one actually understands and is slapped onto everything, including derivatives like Zero Trust networks (ZTN) and Zero Trust network access (ZTNA). Then there’s Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), Security Service Edge (SSE) and everything that falls under these frameworks such as Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Secure Web Gateway (SWG).

SSE for Internet Service Providers: A Competitive Threat or an Opportunity?

It feels like only yesterday when we first heard about SASE. The proposition of consuming network and security services from the cloud was attractive and resonated with the market. It’s no surprise that internet service providers (ISPs) started exploring how they could offer a set of SASE services. Fast forward to today and we all are watching how Security Service Edge (SSE) as a new product category is being received by enterprises.

How to Create Custom Cloud Security Posture Policies

Falcon Horizon, CrowdStrike’s Cloud Security Posture Management solution, uses configuration and behavioral policies to monitor public cloud deployments, proactively identify issues and resolve potential security problems. However, customers are not limited to predefined policies. This article will review the different options for creating custom cloud security posture management policies in Falcon Horizon.