Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Introducing JFrog Curation

JFrog Curation is an automated DevSecOps solution designed to thoroughly vet and block malicious open source or third-party software packages and their respective dependencies before entering an organization’s software development environment. With JFrog Curation enterprise companies can: Find out more about what's under the hood with JFrog Curation in this informative webinar.

Code Signing for Secure DevOps and DevSecOps: Centralized Management and Automation

Today’s fast-paced digital landscape requires quick actions and top-notch safeguarding. Code signing is crucial in providing that security, but teams must approach the process effectively. Unfortunately, managing digital certificates, a vital component of code signing, often becomes complex and error-prone for organizations, leading to potential risks and vulnerabilities.