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April 2023

Top 15 DevSecOps Tools that Accelerate Development

As developers, we’re constantly under pressure to innovate at speed. In 2022, 60% of developers who responded to a GitLab survey acknowledged that code is moving to production at an increasingly faster clip–up to five times faster than in previous years. But juggling tight deadlines with ever-evolving security threats is no joke. When prioritizing speed, unsafe code eventually slips into production.

A Practitioner's Guide to the New 2023 OWASP API Security Update

The OWASP API Security Top-10 risks Release Candidate (RC) is now out for comment. This new version is designed to update your understanding of the top threats against APIs and how to secure them. In this deep-dive webinar, we will dig into each of the OWASP API Security Top-10 2023 RC risks and discuss: The focus of this 2nd webinar in the series will be on what practitioners – builders, breakers, defenders, and DevSecOps – need to know to better protect their APIs.

CI DevSecOps Series - Level Up Your Tests

Building secure and reliable APIs is an essential and challenging endeavor. Traditional API testing approaches perform blackbox testing and test the application through the network. This is both slow and lacks deep insights into how the tested application handles API requests. Also, it happens late in the software development lifecycle as it requires a complete application deployment.

RKVST Track and Trace Demo

This demo is an example of how RKVST was used to collect information from different databases and different suppliers to form a single source of truth for the full lifecycle of an asset - which in this case is a disposal container for nuclear waste. RKVST provenance-as-a-service enables organizations to authenticate data and build trustworthy digital supply chains. It also makes it quick and easy to locate an asset.

Top 5 uses of blockchain in supply chain

It’s April, designated National Supply Chain Integrity month by CISA, NCSC, ONCD and Department of Defense, to promote resources, tools, and information to help organizations and agencies secure their supply chains and build resilience. But what role does blockchain play in supply chain and how easy is it to implement? Blockchain technology has numerous potential applications in supply chain due to its ability to provide a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof ledger of transactions.