Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

August 2022

GitOps and Shift Left Security: The Changing Landscape of DevSecOps

Application developers have always had a tricky balance to maintain between speed and security, two requirements that may often feel at odds with each other. Practices that increase speed also pressure development teams to ensure that vulnerable code is identified and remediated without slowing development. As companies embrace digital transformation initiatives, the need to weave better security into developers’ workflows has only grown clearer.

Veracode Unveils Velocity Partner Program

Veracode announces the launch of the Veracode Velocity Partner Program. The objective of the program is to enable partners to grow their security practice quickly and profitably around Veracode's cloud-native Continuous Software Security Platform, offering opportunities to accelerate deal closure, expand market share, and grow revenue.

Top trends in Application Security in 2022

The rising number of cyber attacks against software applications has emphasized how security must serve as an important factor in software development. More than the traditional Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) procedures, now security-integrated development lifecycles are being widely adapted. These aren’t the typical security assessments that are performed at the very end of development of the application, but embedded throughout the lifecycle.