Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

November 2021

Securing DevSecOps - Threat Research Release October 2021

DevSecOps stands for Development, Security and Operations. This is a practice aimed to automate or design security integration throughout the software development lifecycle or workflow. Nowadays, collaborative frameworks and projects that share security protocols from end to end are really common, so DevSecOps practices attempt to emphasize building infrastructure with a strong security foundation and stable automation workflow and phases. Watch the video below to learn more about Securing DevSecOps.

What is DevOps and DevSecOps?

Among its evangelists and advocates, DevOps is about the cultural shift from traditional silo groups to the integration of a DevOps team. DevOps teams speak about change, feedback, inclusiveness, and collaboration. The goal is to bring everyone who has a seat at the table onto a common platform to work together and deliver changes to business systems safely and securely. Companies that choose to go through digital transformation use DevOps as their platform to deliver software at speed and scale.

Sharing Is At The Heart Of SBOM Value

The Presidential Executive Order made it clear that the status quo, where the hidden vulnerabilities in cyber supply chains left doors wide open to attackers, can no longer be allowed to persist. It correctly identified transparency as the key principle to build trust and Software Bills of Material as a critical first step of the solution. But while much of the current debate is focused on how to build SBOMs, further and deeper thinking is needed on how to share them.