Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2021

Top DevSecOps Tools For 2022

DevSecOps combines the responsibilities of development, security and operations in order to make everyone accountable for security in line with the ongoing activities conducted by development and operations teams. DevSecOps tools serve to assist the user in minimising risk as part of the development process and also support security teams by allowing them to observe the security implications of code in production.

Why Adopting Zero Trust Security Is Necessary For DevSecOps

There’s a shift in the world of DevOps. It is no longer enough to create applications and just launch them into the cloud. In a world where entire businesses can exist online, securing your digital assets is as important as creating them. This is where DevSecOps comes in. It is the natural progression of DevOps — with security being a focus as much as the process of creating and launching applications.

How To Transition Your Team From DevOps To DevSecOps

DevOps has transformed the software development industry. The merging of development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams has largely contributed to quick and effective software releases. The continuous evolution of the application security threat landscape requires organizations to integrate security into the DevOps culture. Thus, DevSecOps has emerged to extend the capabilities of DevOps and enable enterprises to release secure software faster.

RKVST - About

Businesses increasingly use external data to make critical decisions. The wrong data leads to bad decisions that import risk, impair reputation, and imperil revenue. Zero-Trust, Critical Shared Assets, Trustworthy AI – all need instant answers to a common question: Who Did What When? RKVST is the infostructure that unites developers and business users in assuring shared data drives the right critical outcomes.

Keep CALMS with Intelligent Orchestration and Code Dx

Achieving a culture of DevSecOps is possible with the help of solutions like Intelligent Orchestration and Code Dx. As a trusted adviser to my clients, I use my unparalleled experience with a broad range of security tools to help them build and mature security programs. I work tirelessly to help them break down silos, facilitate collaborative change, create a culture of lean learning, and ensure continuous feedback and sharing, so they can build pipelines that are intelligent and risk-based.