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April 2024

Navigating Security Concerns: Microsoft Copilot's Integration with Microsoft 365

There are so many exciting things happening in the AI space currently. One of them is the integration of Microsoft Copilot, a generative AI, with Microsoft 365 applications. This fusion brings Copilot’s capabilities into the suite’s comprehensive office productivity tools to transform daily workloads and enhance productivity efficiency through the automation of mundane tasks, alongside offering insights and analyzing data. Key features include.

Manage Exchange Online with Exchange Admin Center

Managing email services efficiently is essential for any organization’s productivity and security in the modern digital workspace. This blog will discuss Exchange Online administrative tasks and how to streamline their management process. Before we discuss how to manage Exchange Online, we’ll explore its history.

Guide to Group Policy Management in Active Directory

Group Policy is a feature of Microsoft Windows operating systems that helps administrators manage and secure users and computers in Active Directory environments. Group Policy settings are grouped into Group Policy objects (GPOs) and applied to computer and user objects within the scope of the GPO. For example, Group Policy objects can be used to manage: This guide explains the key elements of Group Policy management.

Tutorial: Learn the Basics of Active Directory

Active Directory (AD) is the cornerstone of any on-premises or hybrid Microsoft environment. It stores information about users, computers and other objects, and provides vital services that enable employees to be productive and business processes to run. This article covers the Active Directory basics you need to know.

How to Use OpenSSH to Move Files in Windows Server

Linux and Unix admins are accustomed to using Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH) to connect to servers because it has been included in those systems for decades. Windows users, on the other hand, have traditionally had to download third-party tools like Putty or WinSCP to utilize SSH capabilities. However, that changed when OpenSSH became available as an optional feature in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019.

A Guide to Implementing Data Classification in Microsoft 365

Organizations today store enormous amounts of data. To protect their business and comply with strict modern regulations, they need to manage and secure it properly. Ideally, every document would receive equal protection, but this approach is unrealistic both financially and operationally. Accordingly, organizations need to classify data so they can prioritize their critical and sensitive content.