Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

January 2025

The 2025 DORA Deadline is Here: Simplify Compliance with Teleport

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) comes into full effect on January 17, 2025. This deadline marks a monumental shift in how financial institutions and their technology providers prioritize and maintain operational resilience and cybersecurity standards – and sets in stone real business and regulatory consequences to ensure resilience is achieved. And like any sweeping security regulation, organizations must embark on an uphill journey to earn full compliance.

Unshackling Productivity Access Control for Modern DevOps in Three Acts

Unshackling Productivity, Access Control for Modern DevOps in Three Acts - Engineers hate security processes that throw off their rhythm. As modern, ephemeral, and highly scalable infrastructure becomes the norm, your engineers feel the pain more acutely. They need fast, frequent, and secure access to the resources they need when they need it. This webinar explores the bottlenecks created by applying legacy access controls to modern infrastructure and illustrates three case studies of how real-world companies broke through the access barriers to make their engineers happier and more productive.

Teleport 17: A Game-Changer in Scalable, Secure, and Resilient Infrastructure Access

The explosive growth of computing infrastructure has ushered in a new era of complexity for engineering, infrastructure, and security teams. Managing access, identities, and policies across thousands—or even tens of thousands—of resources such as physical servers, multi-cloud platforms, and web apps is no small feat in itself.

Teleport 17

Teleport 17 marks our final major release of the year, bringing significant enhancements to our platform. In the six months since Teleport 16, we've not only developed this major release but also introduced several valuable features through minor and patch updates. A core theme for this release is scalable, secure, and resilient infrastructure access. This starts with our expanded focus on AWS Access. Teleport 17 includes preview support for AWS IAM Identity Center.