Webinar Replay: The State of Cyber Defense: Manufacturing Cyber Resilience

Webinar Replay: The State of Cyber Defense: Manufacturing Cyber Resilience

Aug 16, 2024

Our exclusive webinar provides a holistic view of cyber risk for the manufacturing sector by combining the findings from our global survey of 1,000 security and risk leaders for the State of Cyber Defense: The False-Positive of Trust report, with frontline threat intelligence collected from 3,000+ incident response cases, 700,000+ endpoints under monitoring and 100,000+ hours of offensive security engagements.

The briefing offers security and risk leaders in or working with manufacturing businesses a broad and tactical view of the industry, directly from Kroll experts with thousands of hours of experience in incident response, ethical hacking and cyber strategy in manufacturing.

The State of Cyber Defense: Manufacturing Cyber Resilience Report: https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/cyber/state-cyber-defense-manufacturing

Key sections:

0:00 – Introduction

2:56 – Mapping Out the Manufacturing Cybersecurity Landscape

5:03 – Poll: Have You Experienced a Cyber-Attack In Your Manufacturing Facility?

6:41 – How Does Manufacturing Rank Its Cyber Maturity

13:09 – Poll: What Percentage of Your IT Budget Is Allocated To Cybersecurity?

16:09 – Real-World Security Capabilities​

18:43 – Poll: What Is the Biggest IT Security Challenge Your Company Faces?

20:13 – Threats the Manufacturing Industry Faces​

27:28 – Case Study: BLACKCAT Impacting Manufacturers​

28:30 – Lessons from Offensive Security​

32:29 – Outsourcing Cybersecurity Services​

33:13 – Summary​

35:26 – Actions Organizations Can Take​

38:14 – Future Risks for Manufacturing Organizations​

40:35 – Q&A

Get the latest from the Kroll Cyber Risk:

Weekly Cyber Threat Intelligence Briefing - https://www.youtube.com/playlist

Cyber Security Case Studies - https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/cyber/case-studies

Kroll Threat Intel Reports - https://www.kroll.com/en/insights/publications/cyber/threat-intelligence-reports

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