The Real Challenges of InfoSec: Overcoming Business Skepticism

The Real Challenges of InfoSec: Overcoming Business Skepticism

Uncover the untold pressures of cybersecurity professionals with this revealing episode from the Razorwire Podcast. Discover the challenges faced by those in information security, often unseen and underappreciated in the business world. From being perceived as pessimists to being labeled as merely "digital security guards," hear firsthand from an experienced security veteran about the misconceptions and struggles of protecting a well-known newspaper's digital gates. This short will shine a light on why cybersecurity is not just about technology, but also about overcoming skepticism and validating the crucial role of security in every organization.

#CyberSecurity #InfoSec #DigitalGuard

This description aims to capture the essence of the challenges discussed in the short, highlighting the depth of expertise and the often-misunderstood nature of cybersecurity work. The hashtags are chosen to enhance discoverability among interested viewers in the cybersecurity field.