Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

October 2020

Trustwave Managed Threat Detection and Response (MTDR)

In today’s threat environment, the reality is that most organizations will inevitably experience a breach. At Trustwave, our job is detecting, containing and eradicating those threats with Managed Threat Detection and Response (MTDR) services. Find out how we provide you with the security outcomes you need, so that you can stay focused on doing what you do best… keeping your organization running.

Why Should You Care About Bots?

Humans have become a minority of internet users, with automated bot traffic accounting for more than half of all internet traffic. The bots are becoming more sophisticated as they seek to evade detection. This webinar will reveal the true extent of the bot problem and what you can do to solve it with a pioneering approach to bot management, powered by machine learning that identifies even the most sophisticated bots by their behaviour.

Fighting back at bots with Scott Helme

Humans have become a minority of internet users, with automated bot traffic accounting for more than half of all internet traffic. However, most businesses do not know the composition of their web traffic, or what that traffic is doing on their websites. A trillion-dollar cyber-crime business has been born out of this environment, at the expense of organisations around the world. As the cyber threat grows, the internet is becoming increasingly unfair and driving businesses to spend roughly $88bn on cybersecurity, with this figure predicted to increase by 1,200% to $1tn in 2021.

Uncovering Bots in eCommerce Netacea Webinar

Up to 40% of traffic to an eCommerce site consists of automated bot traffic, but many eCommerce sites lack the visibility required to accurately identify human traffic vs. good and bad bots. Watch the webinar recording and hear from guest speakers from leading eCommerce organizations who discuss what bots mean for them in 2020, the challenges facing technology leaders and their approaches to managing bot traffic.