Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2022

Walt & Company: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Most small businesses handle cybersecurity by crossing their fingers. They don't think they need it until they get hacked. But it doesn't matter if you're a one man shop or a big enterprise company. And while Walt & Company is a small organization, their clients are multibillion dollar global companies operating around the world. Their businesses are critically important and thus the security of their digital assets are critically important to them. So how can a company stay ahead of the curve when it comes to cybersecurity?

New and Sophisticated Cyber Threats: CVM Advising on Protection

Chuck Veth, CEO of CVM, and his team, advise leaders in manufacturing, finance, education, pharmaceuticals, food service, and more on solutions to protect their networks. Their customers trust that they have their best interest at heart and that when they advise them, it's advising them as mentors and not just as salespeople. In today's world, your network is vulnerable to people all around the globe. And they're patient, slowly finding more and more information, so when they actually perform the attack, it's debilitating. It's not just a bunch of encrypted files.