Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2023

Entity Collection Overview

The current tempo in information security is getting increasingly faster. We continue to chase quicker detections and faster responses. But does that align with reality? Troves of data is being ingested at wire speed w/filtering, comparing, correlating, identifying, and other transform operations in the event lifecycle. This comes with an increased risk of missed events/alerts, indiscernible log activity from various origins, and the potential for analysis paralysis/desensitization/burnout…

From Noise to Signal: Enrichment and Routing with Corelight, Cribl, and Elastic

Monitoring network traffic is essential to SecOps. Security teams need to streamline network detection, data routing, and analysis for faster incident response. Corelight, Cribl, and Elastic combine to provide a unique solution that transforms the noise of network traffic into effectively routed, optimized data.