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Styra and Amazic partner to accelerate growth in EMEA

In order to meet the increasing demand for OPA in EMEA, Styra and Amazic have signed a distributor agreement. With Amazic network of partners and resellers, Styra will significantly increase the reach and ability to support OPA users across the region. I’m excited to announce that Styra is now partnering with Amazic in Europe! Amazic empowers the IT individual by providing them with a unique platform of brands to discover, learn, purchase and market the latest IT technologies.

This is the Year We Strengthen Cybersecurity Through Collaboration

Cybercrime pays no regard to international borders, and effectively fighting cybercrime is a process that has always relied upon countries collaborating and sharing data. As geopolitical manoeuvres have cast uncertainty around some of our established mechanisms for collaboration, many in this sector have felt a degree of trepidation heading into this year.