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Can MDR Solve the Cybersecurity Crisis?

Can MDR solve the cybersecurity crisis? The short answer: Every generation has its take on how to do security. And each one thinks it has found the solution in new technology. In the 1990s, the LAN firewall rose to prominence, followed by refinements in the form of unified threat management (UTM) and next-generation firewalls (NGFW) that put even more traffic inspection barriers in the way of malware communication.

How to Prioritise Cybersecurity Budgets in 2022

As we approach the new year, many organisations will be working out how to prioritize cybersecurity budgets in 2022. However, with the threat landscape evolving so quickly, what may have offered sufficient protection last year, might no longer be viable. This means security leaders will need to complete an evaluation of their organisation’s security posture.

Attackers Taking Advantage of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Outbreak

Following the latest developments of the emergence of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) which has brought disruptive changes in our daily lives and chaos throughout the three-sector economic model – primary (raw materials), secondary (manufacturing), tertiary (services), unfortunately we are observing an increasing risk on cybersecurity threats related to COVID-19.