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Application Security report: 2024 update

Over the last twelve months, the Internet security landscape has changed dramatically. Geopolitical uncertainty, coupled with an active 2024 voting season in many countries across the world, has led to a substantial increase in malicious traffic activity across the Internet. In this report, we take a look at Cloudflare’s perspective on Internet application security. This report is the fourth edition of our Application Security Report and is an official update to our Q2 2023 report.

RADIUS/UDP vulnerable to improved MD5 collision attack

The MD5 cryptographic hash function was first broken in 2004, when researchers demonstrated the first MD5 collision, namely two different messages X1 and X2 where MD5(X1) = MD5 (X2). Over the years, attacks on MD5 have only continued to improve, getting faster and more effective against real protocols. But despite continuous advancements in cryptography, MD5 has lurked in network protocols for years, and is still playing a critical role in some protocols even today.

DDoS threat report for 2024 Q2

Welcome to the 18th edition of the Cloudflare DDoS Threat Report. Released quarterly, these reports provide an in-depth analysis of the DDoS threat landscape as observed across the Cloudflare network. This edition focuses on the second quarter of 2024. With a 280 terabit per second network located across over 230 cities worldwide, serving 19% of all websites, Cloudflare holds a unique vantage point that enables us to provide valuable insights and trends to the broader Internet community.

Lessons From the Front Line - Examining Real-Life Cyber Breaches

Cybersecurity professionals are bracing themselves as the relentless cycle of new phishing scams, malware attacks, and AI-enabled threats make it hard to stay a step ahead. Against this background, the Department of Home Affairs is proposing to establish a Cyber Incident Review Board to protect and investigate Australian organizations that have been breached. But is this enough?

Leaked passwords, no passwords, and AI generated captions for video

In this week’s episode, we explore the realm of passwords, leaked passwords, two-factor authentication (2FA), and also AI generated captions for video. Host João Tomé is joined by Garrett Galow, Director of Product at Cloudflare, to discuss a recent blog post on how we help keep customers safe through leaked password notifications accessible via our dashboard. We also discuss the use of passwords in 2024, the importance of 2FA or multi-factor authentication like hardware keys, offer suggestions, and explore how passwords might become less common in the future.

Developing in the Age of AI, with Cloudflare's Ricky Robinett

Experience a deeper understanding of AI's transformative potential! Watch our exclusive video, 'Developing in the Age of AI,' featuring profound insights shared by Cloudflare’s Vice President of Developer Relations, Ricky Robinett. Explore the dynamic convergence of cybersecurity and AI efficacy. Share your details to unlock privileged access to this video, empowering you with the profound insights that shape the technological landscape.