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Ensuring Business Continuity During Migration: A Director of IT's Guide

Migrating virtual machines (VMs) from VMware to next-generation open infrastructure platforms like KubeVirt and OpenShift Virtualization carries some VM migration risks that can impact business operations if not managed properly. One of the key challenges is compatibility, as the architecture, configurations, and dependencies of VMs in VMware may not seamlessly translate to new environments, leading to issues with performance, application functionality, or even failed migrations. Process risks include.

Meet SmartRisk Agent: Unlock Your New Human Risk Management

Depending on who you ask, between 70 and 90 percent of cyber risk has human error as the root cause. That's why Human Risk Management (HRM) is so important. And here is the next major advance in HRM. We're thrilled to announce the second version of our risk score architecture. It is so far advanced we have renamed—promoted really—our initial "Virtual Risk Officer" to SmartRisk Agent.

"Operation Kaerb" Takes Down Sophisticated Phishing-as-a-Service Platform "iServer"

A partnering of European and Latin American law enforcement agencies took down the group behind the mobile phone credential theft of 483,000 victims. Someone steals a physical mobile phone and they need to unlock it. But to do so, you need the Apple ID or Google account of the phone’s owner. So, where do you go? Well, it used to be iServer – an automated phishing-as-a-service platform that could harvest credentials to unlock the stolen phones.

CTEM step-by-step guide | Stage two: Discovery

Welcome to our blog series on Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM), where we dig into the five essential stages of implementing a robust CTEM program. Coined by Gartner in 2022, CTEM is a powerful process that can help continuously manage cyber hygiene and risk across your environment. It’s also a lot to think about when you’re starting out, so it helps to break things down.

What is Open XDR

Open XDR is a vendor-agnostic XDR solution that interacts effortlessly with an organization’s existing security infrastructure. It is intended to collect, correlate, and analyze data from many security tools and platforms, resulting in a unified view of the security landscape. Unlike traditional XDR systems, Open XDR allows enterprises to select the finest security products for their individual needs without being restricted to a single vendor’s ecosystem.