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Don't Choose a Cloud Storage Service Without Asking These 10 Critical Cybersecurity Questions

As the demand for cloud storage continues to rise, individuals and businesses alike are faced with the critical decision of choosing a reliable and secure cloud storage provider. While the convenience and accessibility offered by cloud storage are undeniable, it is essential to prioritize cybersecurity and data protection when entrusting sensitive information to a third-party provider.

7 Super Internet Safety Tips for Staying Out of Trouble Online

In today's rapidly advancing digital age, internet security has become an imperative concern for individuals across the globe. With alarming predictions indicating a substantial increase in the global cost of cybercrime, from $8.44 trillion in 2022 to a staggering $23.84 trillion by 2027, it is evident that the threat posed by hackers and malware is rapidly escalating. In light of this ever-growing menace, equipping oneself with the best practices for internet safety has become more critical than ever.

Social Media Privacy: Which Social Platforms Are the Most Secure

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, enabling us to connect with friends, share experiences, and express ourselves. However, with the increasing reliance on social media platforms, concerns about online privacy and data security have also emerged. So which social platforms are private and which ones are not? Are there any more private alternatives to the traditional platforms we all know and use?

Navigating the Digital World: Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Internet Safety

Sorry for the bad news, but gone are the days of only worrying about your kids when they leave the house. Our little bundles of joy can now find themselves in serious trouble without ever getting their little butts up off the couch. As a modern parent, one of the most important things you can teach your child is how to stay safe online.

QR Codes: The Key To Secure and Private Data Sharing

Over the last few decades, the volume of exchanged data has grown exponentially. As a result, data privacy became a board-level concern and a possible avenue of competitive advantage. How does data privacy concern QR codes? Given that the world is increasingly adopting digitalization and advanced technologies such as QR code technology, it is important to improve how you collect, use, store, and delete personal information (PI) and how you manage customers' data privacy.

10 Managed Security Services Benefits for Businesses To Know

Every day the world discovers (and creates) new problems in the field of information security. Fresh bugs randomly pop out of nowhere, someone develops brand-new malware, and insiders continue to leak confidential information leading to the closure of the businesses - so how do companies cope with all the chaos? And what to do if there is no feasible way to create a security department within the organization? Is it worth it or wise to outsource such a critical life-saving function? Maybe.

What Is Privileged Access Management and How Can It Help Your Business

Does your company have secret intel that only a few employees can handle? Do you lose sleep over the thought of sneaky hackers getting their grubby little paws on your precious data? Don't take any chances with your business! Level up your security game with privileged access management and keep those cyber threats at bay. Privileged access refers to the rights of specific users, such as IT administrators or executives, to access files, critical systems, or sensitive data.

What Is the Dark Web and Is It Dangerous?

The internet has become as essential as water for each one of us. It has transformed our lives in more ways than one. People from all walks of life depend on the internet to access information, communicate, and conduct commerce. However, every technology has its pros and cons. The internet, too, has a darker side, which comes to the fore on the dark web. The dark web is the hidden segment of the internet and it is accessible by means of specialized software.

Unknown Number? What Is Vishing and How Scammers Pull It Off

According to the 2020 FTC Data Report, vishing constituted 31% of fraud reports, with an aggregated loss of $436 million. That's a lot of vishing. Scammers' methods have become out-of-this-world, too. Years ago, a social media video of a police officer taking a scam call in real time became viral. The scammer, posing as a banking representative, requested personal information on the pretext of verifying their account. The officer was uncooperative.

Different Types of Hackers: The Good, the Bad, and the Other

Hacking and hackers are terms that have become increasingly prevalent in our modern world. They are also often associated with negative connotations. By definition, hacking is using computer programming and technical skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems, networks, or digital devices. Meanwhile, a hacker is someone who engages in these activities.