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Mock Testing Embedded Systems With Fuzz Data

Mock testing, also called mocking, is an integral part of the embedded software development process as it allows you to test your code without relying on actual hardware. This can be extremely helpful when trying to debug your code or test new features. During fuzzing testing, applications are tested using unexpected or invalid inputs. Modern fuzzers generate these inputs based on feedback about the SUT’s interaction with previous test inputs.

How To Improve Automotive Security | FuzzCon Europe - Automotive Edition 2022

Victor Marginean from Argus Cyber Security will speak about the importance of end-to-end security verification, including fuzzing on SW and real interfaces. He will present how this can be used as a pillar integrated as part of the CI/CD and how it can also be monitored from the Vehicle Security Operating Centers used by OEMs. Victor presented this talk at FuzzCon Europe - Automotive Edition 2022. Learn more about this and more talks at

Fuzzing beyond Cybersecurity | FuzzCon Europe - Automotive Edition 2022

In their talk, René Palige and Rosemary Joshy from Continental will share some insights on how they utilized fuzzing to improve overall software quality and how this can be integrated into existing verification and validation processes. They will further describe some of their experiences while applying coverage-guided fuzzing in ongoing automotive projects, what challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

Historical Vulnerabilities in the Automotive Space | FuzzCon Europe - Automotive Edition 2022

In this talk, Andreas Weichslgartner from CARIAD will show how contemporary software engineering can help to write more secure code and detect vulnerabilities already during development. He will revisit historical vulnerabilities in the automotive space and take a look at common classes of bugs present in embedded software. Using these examples, he will show how modern programming language evolution and tooling can tackle and prevent these issues.

The Benefits of Negative Testing in Software Testing

In software testing, negative testing refers to the practice of feeding a system with unexpected or invalid inputs. Given an input field that accepts numeric values from 0-100, positive tests would assess if the application does what it's supposed to do, given input values such as "1", "2" or "99".

Bridging the Gaps of Grey-box Fuzzing | FuzzCon Europe - Automotive Edition 2022

Li Yuekang from NTU Singapore, & Dr. Sheikh Mahbub Habib from Continental present this talk. Software testing typically requires these three steps: Researchers have been focusing on improving the test case generation and execution feedback analysis while the topic of target program execution is under-studied, because executing the target program seems to be an easy task. However, through industry practice, they find that target program execution can be challenging for libraries or IoT software.

Embedded Testing Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

Due to increasing connectivity and dependencies, modern embedded applications in many industries including automotive, aviation, and even automated cow brushes (no joke) are constantly growing more complex. This complexity comes with implications for embedded testing tools and requires plenty of manual effort, depending on the toolchain. From an operational perspective, many embedded industries are tightly staffed and work in long cycles with strict deadlines.

How Can Fuzzing Help Find Bugs in Hardware?

The growing complexity of embedded systems coupled with the advent of increasingly sophisticated security attacks highlights a dire need for advanced automated vulnerability analysis tools. Fuzzing is an effective proven technique to find security-critical issues in systems, often without needing to fully understand the internals of the system under test.

Secure Coding in C and C++ Using Fuzz Testing

Today, I would like to show you to a simplified fuzz testing approach that enables secure coding of C and C++ applications. If you read this article to the end, you will learn about an automated security testing approach for C/C++ that can protect your applications against all sorts of memory corruptions and other common C/C++ vulnerabilities.