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World Backup Day: Simplicity and Patience is Key

A few months ago, a popular cybersecurity news organization posted an urgent notice on social media seeking help to recover their data after their blog was deleted. They announced that they had no backups and they were desperately trying to contact the site administrator to restore their blog collection. This was as maddening as it was embarrassing for the same reasons.

What Trust and Compliance Looks Like in a Cookieless Digital World

Originally envisaged as a convenient way to store web data, cookies emerged as a powerful marketing tool in the 2000s. For many years, digital marketers relied on cookies for data collection. However, in recent history, new privacy laws, browser features, and plug-ins have changed the landscape of data collection. Marketers have had to develop tools and strategies to ensure they meet compliance as the internet becomes more and more cookieless.

How Tripwire ExpertOps Can Help Solve the UK's Cybersecurity Challenges

Many UK business and technology executives aren’t hopeful about their digital security going into 2022. In a survey of 3,600 business and technology executives, of which 257 were from the UK, PwC learned that a majority (61%) of respondents expected to see an increase in reportable ransomware attacks next year.

6 Critical Areas of Cloud-Native Security That Are Influential in 2022

Cloud computing has emerged as the go-to organizational workload choice because of its innate scalability and flexibility. However, cloud computing still comes with some security risks. Examining cloud security is an important part of adopting this new technology. Presently, cloud-native security is experiencing changes and innovations that help address security threat vectors.

AvosLocker ransomware - what you need to know

AvosLocker is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) gang that first appeared in mid-2021. It has since become notorious for its attacks targeting critical infrastructure in the United States, including the sectors of financial services, critical manufacturing, and government facilities. In March 2022, the FBI and US Treasury Department issued a warning about the attacks.