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The Cost of Cybercrime in the US: Facts and Figures

The importance of cybersecurity is no secret in our increasingly digital world. Even individuals who have no experience or expertise in tech or related fields are aware of the threat of hacking, phishing, and the like. It can be difficult, however, to actually quantify the risks of being targeted by these attacks.

Defending against DDoS Attacks: What you need to know

Patience is one of those time-dependent, and often situational circumstances we experience. Few things define relativity better than patience. Think of the impatience of people who have to wait ten minutes in a line at a gas station, yet the thought of waiting ten minutes for a perfectly brewed cup of coffee seems entirely reasonable. It can’t be about the cost, since even the smallest cup of coffee is equal to, if not more expensive than a gallon of gasoline.

Understanding Malicious Package Attacks and Defense Strategies for Robust Cybersecurity

Malicious packages consist of software embedded with code that is capable of causing harm to an entire system or network. This is a rapidly growing threat affecting open-source software and the software supply chain. This attack method has seen a nearly 12,000% increase from 2022 to 2023, as reported by Synk. Some reasons include its technical feasibility, the potential for high returns, and the widespread distribution of open-source offerings, Common types of malicious packages encompass.

Increasing Your Business' Cyber Maturity with Fortra

When building a tower, it helps to start with a sturdy foundation. Cyber maturity is the tower, and there are three levels that build it: Fortra occupies a unique space in the industry because of the sheer size of the security portfolio. It’s one thing to advocate for “single-vendor solutions,” but it’s another when that can pigeonhole you into simply a single solution.

FBI's Most Wanted Cybercriminals in 2023

In an increasingly digitized world, the threat of cybercrime looms larger than ever. The FBI's relentless pursuit of cybercriminals remains a critical defense against this growing menace. We’re well into 2023, and the FBI's Most Wanted Cybercriminals list takes center stage, highlighting the individuals who pose significant threats to our digital security. Join us in exploring their profiles and understanding our vital role in safeguarding the cyber realm.

The Consequences of Non-Compliance in Cybersecurity: Risks and Penalties

Non-compliance in cybersecurity marks a grave oversight. It involves neglecting established security protocols, leaving organizations vulnerable to malicious actors. Read on as we examine the potential risks of non-compliance, including heightened susceptibility to cyberattacks, the specter of data breaches, and the erosion of a company's hard-earned reputation.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - The Story So Far

Do you remember where you were on 25th May 2018? Perhaps you were enjoying a Friday night drink with friends. Perhaps you were with family, relaxing after a busy week at work. I was actually having a GDPR Birthday party with friends and colleagues because 25th May 2018 was a landmark day for the world of Data Protection (yes, seriously, we had a party!). But the funny thing about the effective date of the then-new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was that many saw it as a date to dread.

How to Build an Effective ICS Security Program

Of all the different areas of cybersecurity, not many are as important, or have as far-reaching consequences as industrial control systems (ICS) security. While most relevant organizations would agree that ICS security is a significant concern for their operations, it is easier said than done. Many find it difficult to put into practice the measures and solutions necessary for sufficient ICS security.