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Mr and Mrs CISO: Security in the Age of the Lockdown

With so many of us frantically learning to juggle our roles as parents, workers and most recently teachers; is it just my wife and I who feel it necessary to monitor the online activity of our teenagers during this lockdown? Sure, there’s rich educational content out there, but it sits amongst social networks, streaming services, gaming consoles and a world of other distractions. I almost miss the days when staring out of the window was a reasonable ‘get out’!

COVID-19 Scam Roundup - March 30, 2020

Many in the digital security community are coming together to combat malicious actors during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global outbreak. One of the most visible of these new efforts is the COVID-19 CTI League. Made up of approximately 400 volunteers living in approximately 40 countries, the COVID-19 CTI League is working to block attackers from health care organizations and other medical facilities at this juncture.

Now Is the Time to Get up to Speed with CMMC and SP 800-171 Rev 2

At the beginning of March 2020, Fifth Domain reported that Colorado-based aerospace, automotive and industrial parts manufacturer Visser Precision LLC had suffered a DoppelPaymer ransomware infection. Those behind this attack ultimately published information stolen from some of Visser’s customers. Those organizations included defense contractors Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing and SpaceX.

The Future is Hybrid: Practicing Security in the Hybrid Cloud

By now, many organizations have adopted the cloud in some way. We saw organizations moving whole servers over to the cloud at the beginning, but now we see small parts of a system being moved to the cloud and new cloud native offerings. We’ll use the analogies of Lincoln Logs and Legos to describe these deployment models.

Third-party data breach exposes GE employees' personal information

Past and present employees of General Electric (GE) are learning that their sensitive information has been exposed by a data breach at a third-party service provider. Fortune 500 company GE says it was recently informed of a security breach at one of its partners, Canon Business Process Services.

Who's Responsible for Industrial Cybersecurity and Securing OT Environments?

Who are the key stakeholders involved when it comes to securing OT environments? Kristen Polous, General Manager of Industrial Cybersecurity at Tripwire, discusses who should be responsible for ICS security and how these stakeholders can work together to address cyber risks.

The Biggest Challenge Affecting Industrial Cybersecurity Organizations

Implementing a robust cybersecurity program is no small feat, especially for critical infrastructure organizations. Kristen Polous, General Manager of Industrial Cybersecurity at Tripwire, shares the number one challenge affecting industrial cybersecurity customers today and how to overcome it.

Free Cyber Safety Resources during COVID-19

Whether you are reading this from somewhere in the United States or overseas, chances are you are doing it from the comfort of your home. Not because you chose to but because you were asked to do so in order to prevent Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from spreading any further. If you are a parent, working remotely with your kids at home, you are probably facing additional challenges.