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The CSA IoT Security Controls Framework

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing in technical, social, and economic significance. ENISA defines the increasingly complex IoT systems as “cyber-physical ecosystem[s] of interconnected sensors and actuators, which enables intelligent decision making.” These technologies collect, exchange and process data in order to dynamically adapt to a specific context, transforming businesses and the way we live.

Into the Dark: Scratching the Surface of the Dark Web and Its Potential Risks to Users

Numerous data leaks appeared on the dark web in the second quarter of 2020. At the end of May, for instance, Cyble found a government database containing the personal information of more than 20 million Taiwanese citizens for sale on an underground web marketplace. That was less than two weeks before The Economic Times reported on a dark web data leak involving BEML, an Indian public sector undertaking.

What to Expect from Brazil's New Data Protection Law

The European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is one of the most influential consumer privacy laws that has affected 500,000 companies throughout the world. This law has played a crucial role in formulating another substantial privacy law known as the California Consumer Privacy Act that came into effect on January 1, 2020.

Foundational Controls Make the Hard Things Easier to Do

Let’s begin with a short story. Imagine that we have two large organizations in the public sector. These entities are very similar. Both are on the receiving end of cyber threats. Both adhere to multiple compliance standards. And both need to ensure that their IT systems are functioning and working as planned. But they’re not entirely the same. Take Organization A, for example.

How to Reduce the Risk of Misoperations in Your Bulk Electric Systems

Reliability is essential to the functionality of an electric power grid. This principle guarantees that a constant qualitative and quantitative supply of electric power is flowing from a provider to businesses, homes and more. It’s what enables electric power to drive life forward in modern society. As a result, there’s reason to be concerned about events that threaten the reliability of the power grid. Those events include misoperations.

State of Insider Data Breaches in 2020

Organizations protect critical assets and sensitive information from the outside world by continually updating their security controls and policies. However, the origin of a breach is not always outside of the organization, and recently, insider breaches have gained attention amid an increase in the flexibility of tools for information sharing. Insider threats can be accidental or intentional, but the impact of insider breaches remain the same.

Beyond Passing the Test: Lessons from My Infosec Certification Journey

Not everything that tastes good is healthy, and not everything healthy tastes good. I think of exams as the latter. They are one way to test knowledge, and that attitude is a big part of how I survived getting certified. After taking all kinds of exams, one thing hasn’t changed – I don’t like them. I get anxious when faced with tests. I dislike the all-or-nothing of each question.

Amazon Web Services Mitigated a 2.3 Tbps DDoS Attack

Amazon Web Services (AWS) said that it mitigated a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack with a volume of 2.3 Tbps. In its “Threat Landscape Report – Q1 2020,” AWS Shield revealed that its team members had spent several days responding to this particular network volumetric DDoS attack. In Q1 2020, a known UDP reflection vector, CLDAP reflection, was observed with a previously unseen volume of 2.3 Tbps.