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Cybersecurity Risk Management: 5 Steps for Assessing Risk

Managing and mitigating cyber risk has never been more challenging for companies. Cyber threats are growing exponentially. Daily, hackers are becoming more sophisticated. Businesses rely more on data to function: experts expect that cybercriminals will steal more than 33 billion records this year alone. With an increasing reliance on third-party vendors and cloud services, IT teams are essentially forced to leverage complex infrastructures with significant vendor risk.

Corporate Espionage: Who Is Watching Your Business...And Why

When it comes to protecting sensitive business information and trade secrets, most business execs believe that sophisticated cybersecurity solutions and a strong mechanism for security governance are enough. The reality is that establishing multiple layers of security defense forms a strong security fortress against external threats — but that’s not where most corporate espionage originates.

Coffee Talk with SURGe: ESXi servers, Royal Mail ransomware, Gamaredon, Password Sharing, Bard AI

Grab a cup of coffee and join Ryan Kovar, Audra Streetman, and special guest David Bianco for another episode of Coffee Talk with SURGe. The team from Splunk will discuss the latest security news, including: David and Ryan also competed in a 60 second charity challenge to share their take on Netflix's anticipated crackdown on password sharing. The trio also discussed Google's Bard AI chatbot, which was introduced as a competitor to ChatGPT.

Denial-of-Service Attacks: History, Techniques & Prevention

As its name indicates, Denial of Service (DoS) is any cyberattack that renders the target service inaccessible to legitimate users and information systems. That is, you're trying to access a web page or web service and it's just down, not working. The most common way attackers achieve this is by flooding the host servers and network with excessive traffic, such that the host server crashes or fails to respond in an acceptable duration. The denial-of-service style of attack is a common one.

All the Proxy(Not)Shells

On September 28th it was disclosed by GTSC that there was a possible new zero day being abused in the wild beginning in early August. Although this campaign looked very similar to the previously abused vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange, dubbed ProxyShell at the time, comprising 3 CVEs (CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523 and CVE-2021-31207) that when combined enabled an adversary to gain remote access to an Exchange PowerShell session that may be abused.

Post-Quantum Cryptography & Preparing for Post-Quantum Encryption (PQE)

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that, in due time, will enable amazing power for humanity. With good comes bad. Bad actors are likely to harness quantum computing to distrust, steal or cause harm — threatening our global ways of living and working. We must help federal agencies and commercial enterprises to build quantum safety and quantum resilience against a worst-case scenario. Fortunately, the threat is being recognized. On December 21, 2022, the U.S.

Coffee Talk with SURGe: Ticketmaster, Apple Hardware Security Keys, Ukraine, Cognitive Biases

Grab a cup of coffee and join Ryan Kovar, Mick Baccio, and Audra Streetman for another episode of Coffee Talk with SURGe. The team from Splunk will discuss the latest security news, including: Mick and Ryan also competed in a 60 second charity challenge to explain how cognitive biases can negatively impact cyber threat intelligence assessments.

The Ethical Hacking Guide: Hacking for Security

Companies are under more threat than ever. The rise in cyber threats is alarming: 2021 saw a 30% increase in cyberattacks compared with 2020. Even sophisticated systems with complex countermeasure technologies for security may be vulnerable to attack. Many organizations turn to hackers to counteract these threats. Ethical hackers use the tools and methods of malicious actors to help companies pinpoint their weaknesses and build a more resilient and secure system.

Shift Left Security: How To Shift Security Left for Software Development

For a long time, security and development were two distinct aspects of programming. As organizations started to leverage software and technology as differentiating factors, the speed and quality of development became more important than ever. Organizations no longer had time after development was complete to address security vulnerabilities. Catching vulnerabilities too late opens companies up to unnecessary risk and can be costly to fix.