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Securing Vendor Risk Management Onboarding in 2024

Onboarding is perhaps the most precarious phase of the Vendor Risk Management process. A single oversight could expose your organization to dangerous third-party security risks, increasing your chances of suffering a data breach. This post explains how to bolster the most vulnerable access points of the vendor onboarding process to help you securely scale your VRM program.

A Guide to Vendor Risk Management Reporting in 2024

Vendor Risk Management encompasses a wide range of cybersecurity risk factors. As such, a VRM report design could range from highly detailed to concise, depending on the specific reporting requirements of stakeholders and the board. This list represents the most comprehensive scope of third-party risk management information to fit the broadest range of VRM reporting use cases.

Ultimate Guide to Vendor Risk Scoring

Vendor risk scoring is a critical component within vendor risk management (VRM) or third-party risk management (TPRM) programs and an organization’s overall risk management strategy. Risk scoring is an integral tool in the risk assessment process, helping organizations identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks associated with third-party vendors or service providers.

Automated Vendor Risk Assessments: How to + Tips

Across today’s interconnected business landscape, organizations are increasing their reliance on third-party vendors and service providers to streamline operations, reduce costs, and access specialized services and expertise. This increased dependency on third parties introduces significant organizational risks, including data privacy violations, operational disruptions, reputational damage, supply chain attacks, and devastating data breaches.

Third-Party Risk Management Example

With third-data breaches and their subsequent financial impacts on the rise, Third-Party Risk Management is becoming a non-negotiable inclusion in an organization’s cybersecurity strategy. For those new to this risk management area, this post outlines a high-level framework for applying TPRM principles to a third-party risk context. Learn how UpGuard streamlines Vendor Risk Management >

7-Step Third-Party Risk Assessment Process

Third-party risk assessments identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks that third-party vendors might introduce into business operations. These processes form the foundation for a proactive risk management program, meeting regulatory requirements while safeguarding organizational assets and preventing reputational damage. Cyber risk assessments help identify any security hazards that could potentially disrupt operations and the supply chain.

How to Perform a Third-Party Risk Assessment in 2024

A Third-Party risk assessment is a critical component of a Third-Party Risk Management program. Without understanding how to properly execute these assessments, the efficiency of your TPRM program will remain limited. This post provides a detailed six-step guide for performing third-party risk assessments in cybersecurity.

Top 8 Third-party Risk Assessment Software Options in 2024

The right choice of Third-party risk assessment software will automate risk assessment workflows and boost the efficiency of your Third-Party Risk Management program. This post reviews the top eight contenders in the TPRM and supply chain risk management market to help you make the right choice for your third-party cybersecurity objectives.