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10 best practices for securely developing with AI

By now, we’re all painfully aware that AI has become a crucial and inevitable tool for developers to enhance their application development practices. Even if organizations restrict their developers using AI tools, we hear many stories of how they circumvent this through VPNs, and personal accounts.

Signing container images: Comparing Sigstore, Notary, and Docker Content Trust

In the modern software ecosystem, containerization has become a popular method for packaging and deploying applications. Alongside this growing trend, ensuring the security of software supply chains has become a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. Implementing best practices, such as signing and verifying images to mitigate man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks and validating their authenticity and freshness, play a pivotal role in safeguarding the integrity of the software supply chain.

Snyk is named a Strong Performer as a first-time entrant in the Forrester Wave: Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Q3 2023

In our first year participating in the Forrester Wave™: Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Q3 2023, we’re thrilled that Snyk has been recognized as a Strong Performer in a mature, yet evolving, enterprise software security category. Snyk is disrupting the SAST market with a developer-first approach to application security, illustrated by our position in strategy and market presence in the evaluation.

Black Hat Asia customer panel recap: How to lead DevSecOps adoption

DevSecOps is all about collaboration: facilitating a solid partnership between development and security teams. However, these collaboration efforts won’t succeed without help from leadership. Development and security teams need top-down support to set measurable goals, create a secure CI/CD pipeline, and establish a DevSecOps culture. Three experts came together at Black Hat Asia 2023 to discuss how leadership can participate in fostering security success.

Office Hours: Insights - Focus on Top RIsks

We recently announced Insights, a unique capability providing organizations with code to cloud application intelligence that enables development and security teams to manage their application security posture more effectively by identifying, prioritizing, and fixing those issues posing the greater risk. Watch: What Insights is How to access Insights How to use Insights Watch if you are interested in using Insights, have started, or work as an engineer, developer, or in DevOps.

Security implications of cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in Node.js

In modern web applications, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) enables secure communication between applications hosted on different origins. Developers use CORS to access other applications’ services within their own. This approach eliminates the need to rewrite features from scratch, accelerating development time and improving the developer experience.

A guide to input validation with Spring Boot

If you're a developer working with Java, you likely know Spring Boot, the robust framework that streamlines the development of stand-alone, production-grade, Spring-based applications. One of the many features it offers is Bean Validation, which is a crucial aspect of any application to ensure data integrity and improve user experience.

How to avoid web cache poisoning attacks

Web cache poisoning is a cyber attack that wreaks havoc on unsuspecting websites. It exploits vulnerabilities by caching mechanisms that web servers, proxies, and content delivery networks (CDNs) use, compromising data integrity. Malicious actors can use cache poisoning to deliver malicious payloads, tamper with sensitive information, or redirect users to fraudulent websites. In this article, we’ll comprehensively explore web cache poisoning attacks and how they work.

Top considerations for addressing risks in the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs

Welcome to our cheat sheet covering the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs. If you haven’t heard of the OWASP Top 10 before, it’s probably most well known for its web application security edition. The OWASP Top 10 is a widely recognized and influential document published by OWASP focused on improving the security of software and web applications. OWASP has created other top 10 lists (Snyk has some too, as well as a hands-on learning path), most notably for web applications.