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10 modern Node.js runtime features to start using in 2024

The server-side JavaScript runtime scene has been packed with innovations, such as Bun making strides with compatible Node.js APIs and the Node.js runtime featuring a rich standard library and runtime capabilities. As we enter into 2024, this article is a good opportunity to stay abreast of the latest features and functionalities offered by the Node.js runtime.

Fastify plugins as building blocks for a backend Node.js API

In the world of building backend Node.js APIs, Fastify stands out with its plugin ecosystem and architecture approach, offering a compelling option beyond the conventional Express framework. This highly efficient, low-overhead web framework distinguishes itself through its remarkable speed and streamlined simplicity.

Preventing broken access control in express Node.js applications

Access control in backend Node.js applications is fundamental to web applications built with the Express web framework. It ensures users can access only the data and functionality they're authorized to use. However, when access control is compromised, users can access data that they shouldn't be able to. This is especially problematic if attackers attempt to manipulate or steal private data.

Learning from cloud transformation as we move to AI

Development teams of all sizes are embracing the excitement and possibility of using AI tools to build software. Coding assistants like Google Gemini and Github Copilot have the potential to accelerate development like never before, and developers are adopting these tools — whether or not leadership has officially approved them. As your team considers the best ways to adopt this new technology, this transition might feel like déjà vu.