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Four steps for hardening Amazon EKS security

In the first part of this blog series, we explored deploying Amazon EKS with Terraform, and looked at how to secure the initial RBAC implementation along with securing the Instance Metadata Service. In this second post, we’ll look at more best practices to harden Amazon EKS security, including the importance of dedicated continuous delivery IAM roles, multi-account architecture for Amazon EKS cluster isolation, and how to encrypt your secrets in the control plane.

How Snyk is normalizing authentication strategies with Gloo Edge

Snyk supports multiple authentication (authN) strategies on its APIs. Historically, API keys have been the primary form of authN, but more recently we introduced support for authN using signed JWTs produced as a result of an OAuth integration. This is currently in use by both our AWS CodePipeline and Bitbucket integrations. In the beginning, Snyk began with a hub and spoke architecture with a central monolith making authN decisions.

Why you should upgrade to Maven version 3.8.1

If you are working in the Java ecosystem and building your applications with an older Maven version, this message is for you. Check your Maven version by typing mvn -version! If you are still running on an old Maven version like 3.6.3 or below you definitely need to upgrade to version 3.8.1 because of security reasons. Be aware that to run Maven 3.8.1, Java 7 is required. Luckily we found out in the JVM Ecosystem report 2021 that not many people work with Java 6 or below.

Devoxx4Kids: Empowering young Java developers and creating future industry stars

Recently, we released the JVM Ecosystem Report 2021. This annual report is full of interesting facts about the current state of the Java ecosystem. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should give it a read. Don’t forget to download the full PDF for all the insightful information.

Tips for hardening your container image security strategy

In the first part of this blog series, we looked at security best practices for the base images which you might be using. But what happens to container image security when we add other things to it? Perhaps we’re installing additional software from upstream, and we’ve got custom applications of our own which might have their own dependencies also being installed.

Managing Node.js Docker images in GitHub Packages using GitHub Actions

If you’re doing open source development today, chances are high that you’re active within the GitHub community — participating in open source projects and their repositories. A recent addition to the GitHub ecosystem is GitHub Packages, which was announced back in 2019 and is now receiving even more updates with the general availability of the GitHub Packages container registry.

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Measuring security for cloud native applications

Modern cloud-native applications - and the DevSecOps culture and practices used to manage them - introduce a fresh layer of challenges to the already thorny topic of security measurement. Historically, security has been typically measured on a regular but intermittent basis, at particular points in time. However, the pace of change at modern, cloud-native organisations, who've implemented DevSecOps and/or CI/CD, is relentless. Many deployments might be made in a single day, and the security posture of businesses might thus change dramatically over that time.