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The US Threat Landscape in 2023

The United States is at the epicenter of cyber crime globally. It is by far the most highly-targeted nation, and American businesses face a higher volume of attacks as well as more costly consequences when an attack is successful. In this webinar, Cyberint Threat Research Team Lead Shmuel Gihon will discuss the current US threat landscape, recent trends, and the most urgent risks to prepare for. Using research and data collected by the Cyberint research team.

Finding and Analyzing Ransomware Groups in 2023: A Guide

You don’t need to be an expert in cybersecurity to know that ransomware, which gets plenty of coverage in the media, is a threat – and one that’s getting worse. Cyberint’s research shows that Q2 2023 alone saw 1386 new ransomware cases, a 67 percent increase in ransomware victims compared to the preceding quarter. This number was surpassed in Q3 with a whopping 1420 cases. Finding and analyzing ransomware groups is a central part of the Cyberint research team’s focus.

The U.S. Threat Landscape in 2023

The United States is a focal point for cyber threats, offering the highest potential gain to threat actors worldwide. Unquestionably, it remains the most targeted country worldwide. Ransomware, poses a particularly severe threat to organizations globally, with the U.S. being its primary target. In light of these realities, this comprehensive threat landscape report aims to shed light on the specific cyber threats that the nation faces.

Subdomain Hijacking: The Domain's Silent Danger

Just two months ago, researchers from Vienna conducted a study that revealed the abuse of dangling DNS records to hijack subdomains of numerous major organizations, highlighting the potential vulnerability of thousands of entities. The researchers targeted subdomains belonging to various government organizations, political parties, universities, media companies, and financial institutions. They managed to take control of these subdomains to demonstrate the risk associated with this vulnerability.

7 Best Practices for Dark Web Scanning

It would be great if Dark Web scans were as simple as Google searches – if you could simply plug your business’s name into a search engine, run a query and view a list of results about threats that impact your company. Unfortunately for businesses seeking to stay a step ahead of threat actors, quite the opposite is true. It’s not just that there is no Google or search index that teams can turn to when searching for threats.

Vulnerabilities Within Law Enforcement Exposed

On September 15th, 2023, it was announced that a company in Stockport, UK, responsible for producing ID cards for various organizations, including Greater Manchester Police, fell victim to a ransomware attack. The attack, conducted using ransomware, had significant implications. Thousands of police officers’ personal details, including their names, were at risk of exposure to the public domain.

Cyber Risk Exposure: How to Act When You Can't Measure Risk

You can’t manage what you can’t measure – and unfortunately, measuring cyber risk exposure can be quite difficult. That’s not, of course, because no one attempts to put labels on risks and threats. In fact, there is a great deal of effort placed on identifying, quantifying, and deciding how to manage cyber risk.

Desorden Group - The Summer 2023 Update

The financially motivated Desorden (Disorder in Spanish) group, previously known as “chaoscc”, was first observed going by the new name Desorden in 2021 while acting against multiple Asian-based organizations in various sectors. The group mainly targets high-revenue enterprises and supply chains to amass as much profit as possible by extracting sensitive organizational data and demanding a ransom for it.