Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How to get the most out of your pen test remediations

Security often feels like an uphill battle. Let’s say your organisation has done the basics – you’ve got Cyber Essentials certification, and also started regular penetration testing. Firstly, congratulations – you’re well on your way to stopping the majority of opportunistic attacks. But after the pen test comes the report, and for business who aren’t prepared, a whole new problem emerges: how do you tackle the remediations effectively?

Your DPO Questions Answered

Every business that collects personal data via a website, app, or even via the phone/post will find that they need the skills and expertise of a Data Protection Officer at some point to ensure safe and confidential data processing. But what is a DPO exactly? Do you really need one? And what if you don’t want to hire someone full time? Read on to find out more about the roles and responsibilities of the DPO and when to hire one to secure your data.

Bulletproof State of Cyber Security Report 2023

The 2023 #Bulletproof State of Cyber Security Report is out now! In it we’re using real-world data to look at the actual threats business are facing, and what you can do about them. We’re talking about the changes to the threat landscape, how the behaviour of cyber criminals is evolving, and how to leverage threat data for increased efficiency. For a more complete picture we’re also exploring updates and changes in the world of compliance, including #GDPR, #PCI, #ISO27001, and #CyberEssentials.

How a vCISO can help you with ISO 27001 compliance

Information security is a major concern for many businesses for two reasons. Firstly is persistent threat of cyber attacks and data breaches. That’s why strong information security is a requirement to ensure the security of business and personal data. Secondly, it’s a key business enabler, with a push in recent times for all parts of a supply chain to become ISO 27001 certified.